Ch. 26 ~ Splintered

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Legolas and I spent a heavenly night together; but there was no sleep to be had or needed. We spoke, made love, and just gazed into each others eyes as we lay down on my bed in my chamber in Lorien. Who knew what was to come? He fingered the necklace I had given him the previous eve. I knew that it would keep him safe as much as my familial power would allow. I also knew he would fight no matter what and that very soon I would join him; though I knew not when that would be.

When the sun had risen over the upper part of the forest and I heard voices down below, I knew it was time. Over the course of our century of knowing each other, we have had plenty of separations but this was very different. We were in the starts of a war; the outcome being anyone's guess. We got up slowly, not saying a word to each other for everything we needed to say had already been spoken throughout the night. I put on a simple Lorien gown and my headpiece. I was not going anywhere but bidding my beloved and his company farewell...for now.

We headed down toward where everyone was gathered and the Elvish wardens including Haldir each gave our departing guests, something they would need on their journey. Legolas received more arrows for his quiver and a bow made especially by the best bow makers of Lorien. It was one of a kind and perfect for him. He looked it over carefully in awe of its indescribable beauty. It was his now.

As the fellowship got on their respective steeds, we all bid them farewell and luck with whatever they had to face. Legolas and I stared at each other for a long time. I knew it would not be very long before I saw him again; I just knew it. And with that last glance and a brief smile, they were off. I watched until I could not see them anymore and then with a deep sigh turned toward Haldir.

"You think they will be alright?" I really did not know why I was seeking his confirmation but I was.

"You, we all must have faith. This is the only way." I nodded and proceeded toward the dining hall with Haldir right behind me. I decided to share something with him then.

"I do not trust Boromir, the steward of Gondor. He seems too weak to me; I fear for what he might do." Haldir looked at me with raised eyebrows then.

"Do? Whatever do you mean?"

"I fear he will fall under the power of the ring and will try to take it from Frodo. There are a lot of things I fear. One has already come to fruition; we lost Mithrandir." I said with tears glistening in my eyes. I still had not had the time to properly grieve him.

"There is absolutely nothing we can do from here now. As your aunt said, the dye has been cast. What shall be, will be and we have to trust that even though there will be problems, this will end in our favor. After all, what choice do we have to think otherwise?"

Haldir was right. Going around in circles in my mind would only drive me crazy. In the meantime, I knew I had to train and repeat my sessions with the long shot. Something told me in the next battle; it would come in really handy. So Haldir, the Galadhrim, and I all trained for days and weeks on end. I could not have perfected the skill anymore if I tried. I was sure of myself now. I still refused to use the bow and arrow as Legolas did and Altherial was always with me when it came to close contact combat, but at least I knew that when the time was right, I would not fall short in any way possible.

Unfortunately, just as I had thought it would happen, one day as I was waiting to start another training session--the fellowship had left Lorien a month and a half before--a vision struck me so hard that it took all the energy I had just to remain standing. This one was not of the past but was happening in real time. I gasped for air as my eyes glazed over and the images in my head exploded for only my vision to see. Haldir and one of the other soldiers rushed over to hold me up as they asked me what I was seeing.

Just as I had predicted, Boromir had tried to take the ring from Frodo who used it to disappear and run toward the river with Sam close behind. Before Boromir could recover, the rest of the fellowship was besieged by orcs with one particularly nasty one in charge. He killed Boromir before being slain himself by Aragorn. Merry and Pippin in the may lay were captured and taken by the orcs.

Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli decided to let Frodo and Sam go the rest of the way alone as they went searching for Merry and Pippin; running into a bunch of men calling themselves the Rohirrim of Rohan led by Eomer who had been banished by some ugly specimen who was controlling their king Theoden. They claimed the orcs were slaughtered and none were left alive; giving little hope to the survival of our two remaining Hobbit friends.

I could hardly catch my breath as the visions kept coming and coming; Eomer gave them horses and left them to search for their friends. With a sharp jolt I was brought to night fall and how Merry and Pippin were still alive but had narrowly escaped all of their troubles and ended up in the Fangorn forest of the talking trees. What was once a solid group of 9; was now 3 separate groups heading in unknown directions.

"They are splintered. The Fellowship is splintered. What was once is no more." I wheezed out.

Again I gasped and this time fell to the ground as I watched Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli come face to face with something or someone bright, something white and I feared that their end had come. Shock overcame fright on my face as Haldir shook me...

"What is it?"

"No! It cannot is impossible!" I ground out to him as tears ran down my face.

The impossible.....could not happen, even if one wished hard enough, right?

But there it was nonetheless.....

To be continued......

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