Ch. 39 ~ Wedding Night

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*This chapter contains sexual content. Not recommended for anyone under 18 years of age. Reader discretion is advised. Thank you.*

As I entered my bed chamber, I must admit that I was very nervous. Though Legolas and I have been together many a time before, now we were wed and somehow I knew that this night would be special and different. I could not believe it was finally here; our wedding night. I looked at Legolas as he was standing on the balcony. He turned around and walked toward me. When he got within a few feet, he knelt down on one knee and looked at me with tears in his beautiful crystal blue eyes; then he said to me in Elvish:

"You are a true angel upon this world and the next for bringing my father back to me. I would not have known what to do or how to do it. Even though he is leaving for Valinor soon, I finally have all of my answers. And I am at peace with my life. Tonight is our wedding night and you are my queen; I love you. I shall honor you through and through." He finished. I looked at him and replied:

"My dearest love, it was the least I could do. I know how much you have ached these last 100 years. I am honored to be your queen and you my king. Tonight we shall set the sky on fire. I am so happy you are at peace. I love you as well."

As soon as I finished speaking, he got up at lightning speed and wrapped his arms around me and lifted me off the floor as he spun me around. I buried my head in his neck and sighed with contentment. Nerves or not, this was the only place I wanted to be; right there with him for all eternity. When he set me back down, words were not needed; all had been said that needed to be said. He stared at me as I gently touched his cheek. I swallowed hard and he could tell that I was nervous. After over a century of loving each other, we knew what the other was feeling without words to be expressed.

He then slowly lowered his face toward mine and our lips touched; softly at first and then gradually deepened until the kiss became all consuming. My whole body felt aflame. I was on fire and my heart was racing but I did not stop the kiss; I could not. As we kissed, Legolas' hands traveled to my back where he undid the buttons on my dress. My hands did the same to his gown. Soon my gown slid off and onto the floor along with his. Before I knew it, all we had on was our love.

Legolas lifted me up and carried me to the bed; only then did he break the kiss to breathe and stare into my eyes as I did back at him. His eyes were on fire as much as mine. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew into the room and it was as if the Windlord himself was fanning the flames. As he set me down on the bed, my eyes never left his as I lay against the pillows. The heat coming off of both of us was palpable. He slowly climbed onto the bed and kissed me again but this time he quickly moved from my lips to my neck and throat. Each kiss felt like hot suns moving over my skin.

Afterwards, he moved onto my breasts which were neither big nor too small. He palmed both in his hands as his tongue encircled my nipples and I gave a small moan of pleasure. He took his time as his mouth closed around one rosebud and he began to suckle. My mind took flight as I closed my eyes and arched my back against the heavenly sensation. He was slow going as he moved to my stomach and nuzzled it. It tickled and I giggled a bit. All of my silliness stopped however as he put his hands on each of my legs and spread them. Before he sank down to where I was most vulnerable, his fire burning eyes turned up toward mine as our gazes locked and he ground out in Elvish:

"Ten'oio nîn (eternally mine)."

The next thing I knew, his hot mouth and tongue were at the center of me down below. As he moved his tongue around, slow at first then faster and faster, I had to grab the sheets with both hands to stop from moving. The sensation was unspeakable, unthinkable; my whole body was ready to hit the ceiling. I moaned with each stroke he made. It did not take long for that feeling to begin low in my stomach and spread throughout my whole body like waves hitting the shore.

When I could not take it anymore, I gasped loudly and he took me over the brink. My whole body vibrated like a tuning fork and I moaned as I let myself go and rolled with each exquisite sensation. He did not stop until he brought me to that point over and over again. When he was satisfied that I was primed and ready to receive him, he rose up like a majestic lion, his eyes victorious that he was honoring me the way he felt each woman should be honored by her soul mate.

As he settled himself on top of me, I could tell how tense each and every muscle in his beautiful body was. My response to him had nearly brought him over the edge as well. His eyes were intense as without any warning he thrust into me and mine own grew wide as he had never done so and I knew that he just could not hold himself any longer. For a while he did not move at all but just stayed still as both of our bodies were reacting from the sudden entrance. Then he started to move as did I as our bodies found their rhythm and fluidity.

With each stroke, he went deeper and deeper into me until I felt him tense up as I saw stars in front of me. As he let himself go totally, the movement of our joined bodies became faster and stronger until the explosion of passion for us both made for animalistic groans that I never imagined either of us was capable of making. But he was not done in the slightest. The night consisted of many moments of undulated passion. When both of us were finally satiated, he collapsed next to me. Our breathing was very heavy for a long time. When it finally settled down, we turned toward each other simultaneously; clasping hands. Outside, birds were starting to chirp so we knew that the night was soon to leave and a new day would dawn but we did not pay it any mind.

We lay with our bodies entwined though now separated from the connection of passion. Nothing was ever going to be the same again. Now we were wed and it was time for us to begin a new life together; one of peace and happiness. But there was something I needed to know from Legolas who was looking very happy with himself indeed.

"You have been holding out on me, have you not?" He just smiled a satisfied smile. I had my answer then.

I knew that he wanted our wedding night to be truly magical and special. But I had to give him credit for not showing me or making me feel what I felt that night for 100 years. That is a long time for anyone to hold back something that powerful. Legolas was truly one of a kind and he was all mine. His will power was as strong as the rest of his convictions and his warrior spirit. The heart of a champion was now my husband, finally.

Where did we go from here? There was not any limits just eternal space and love.......Forevermore.

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