Ch. 46 ~ Last Sunset

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In the last 20 years, I have noticed something peculiar and yet long ago prophesied to happen. When Arwen and I were young, we used to spend many of our free days long before the wars and battles came, to dream about the men we would marry and how many children we would have. As we both wanted three each; she ended up with an elder son and two daughters and I ended up with an elder daughter and two sons. Now it seemed like the joke she kind heartedly made, not only boar fruit but was becoming a life for the future. Her eldest Eldarion was quite smitten with my eldest Altherial. They had been writing each other so frequently that it made mine own long ago letters to Legolas look like child's play. Same went for Arwen's daughters; Melodia who was besotted with Angrendir my youngest while Elros and Ever even secretly met up while they thought no one was looking.

Legolas and I permitted this as did Aragorn and Arwen. We were 'keeping it in the family' as Arwen joked to the 3 of us once. It was quite obvious that the love these 6 had for one another was so pure it was bright crystal and made our own hearts sing that they would not have to look long and hard for their soulmates. Faramir's own son found himself a lady in Ithilien while both of Eomer's sons did the same in Rohan. Now as these years passed, I looked around and knew just how my aunt and uncle felt seeing their children grow and mature and fall in love.

Granted our children did so in the time of peace with no worries to be caressed off of their brows at night. There was not a battle or scary war around the corner. We, their parents, grandparents, and kin had taken care of that for them so they would live freely in the 4th Age. Since our last gathering at the newly renamed Land of Earendil, the trees and grass had sprouted and the land had finally reclaimed what was poisoned for so long. The trees would grow for many millennia to come even though many of us would not be there to see it. Just knowing about that, was good enough for us all. The library in Rivendell was repaired and all of the items we had collected from Orthanc; the staffs of all of the wizards and the ancient texts were secured in the ancient metal vaults. I gave it a once over to make sure I was satisfied, when I was, I knew it would stay standing for another 20,000 years. That made me smile.

If Legolas nor I could not find our children, that meant that they were somewhere within their own wings writing to their newfound loves. That gave us time to spend by ourselves, which was always a precious gift. I loved Legolas and he had now been my husband for longer than we were ever apart. Yet each time he looked upon me it was as if seeing me for the first time back in the beginning when we met outside of Mirkwood with Haldir and Tauriel. Those stunning blue eyes piercing through mine leaving me without breath. The everlasting love was undeniable.

As we sat down by a waterfalls' edge and spoke quietly, we noticed Yael approaching us with a profound look of sadness on his face. We both got up immediately to see what was going on. As we got closer to him, we saw to our utter amazement that he had tears rolling down his cheeks. Somehow, I knew it was about to be a blow. But I let him say what he had come to say and deliver the message. Gulping hard, looking from one to the other, with shaking hands he took the letter out and gave it to Legolas as he spoke:

"I am truly sorry your royal highnesses to have to be the one to tell you that King Elessar of Gondor, passed away last night surrounded by his family." I nodded at Yael so he could leave us. Legolas was reading the letter and he slumped down onto where we had been sitting, unable to truly believe it.

"" He whispered looking at me, his eyes awash with tears. I could not keep mine own at bay.

"I know sweetheart. He was a man and lived a much longer life than many most like him. He was a great man, one of your closest friends, a true hero upon this land." I then held Legolas to my chest as I rocked him and he wept for a man he came to love as his own non-blooded kin.

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