Ch. 31 ~ Secret Meeting

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For weeks I walked the grounds of Rivendell, lost in thought mourning my beloved Haldir as visions of the future started to pop into my head and that only meant one thing; a war was coming and soon. Another battle, more losses, more grief. I had seen of a black round shaped orb called a pallantir and that it had a lot to do with me and the final battle against Sauron. Amazingly though, when I tried to look beyond that, everything disappeared into white. Never had I had that happen before that my visions just disappeared into white nothingness. It could only mean one thing really or perhaps two; I was not meant to see us win or I was the one who perished. Either way, it would end there.

In the meantime, Arwen had urged uncle Elrond to re-forge Narsil and make it into a newer and better sword called Anduril or flame of the West. As Arwen whispered it:

"From the ashes, a fire shall be woken. A light from the shadow shall spring. Renewed shall be blade that was broken. The crownless again shall be king."

She asked her Ada to bring it to Aragorn with the news that she had decided to stay. Elrohir was on hand to watch over Rivendell and his sister as slowly her life and mortality became entwined with the ring. More than anything, I knew we had to win this war, if for nothing else then to spare the life of my beloved cousin so she could live out the days of her mortal life with the love of her existence. As uncle Elrond prepared to go on his journey into the mountains to seek out the men who were riding to Gondor to face the next battle, I remembered there was something I had to do; someone I had to speak with and make some points clear.

Uncle Elrond left Rivendell quietly that evening before the sun had even set with a black velvet cloak on. I was still wearing my black dress from the burial and decided to put on a matching black flowy cloak and hood. I then walked to the stable while Sunset was prepared for my departure. He had healed nicely post battle of Helm's Deep and I was pleased to see it. I asked the caretakers to cover his eyes with a form of hood so that the crystal blue would not shine in the dark and give him away. The whole point of this trip was stealth; get in, get the message across, and leave before anyone else noticed.

I rode out on Sunset as it got dark and flew like the wind to the encampment of men. I went the long route for I had to wait till my uncle spoke with Aragorn, convinced him of what he must now do, gave him the sword, and let him leave toward the mountains of the damned to embrace his birthright once and for all. I arrived through the trees and back woods just as I saw Eowyn speaking to Aragorn just as I had foreseen it. He however, made no qualms about letting her know that his heart belonged to another and that he wished her joy as he left with Legolas and Gimli. I waited until I knew they were out of earshot as she continued to stand there with her eyes brimming with tears:

"Let him go." I said in a voice that sounded like it came off the wind from the trees.

"Who goes there?" She looked around startled as I walked forward from behind the trees and unveiled my face from my cloak. Her eyes grew very wide as I repeated what I said:

"You must let him go. He does not belong to you no matter how much you may have fallen in love with him." I said calmly. She crossed her arms then.

"What do you know of the matter? His lady of the crystal jewel sailed off to the Undying Lands with her kin. You are with the one you desire, why cannot I have the same?"

"She is my cousin, Eowyn and she remained. She would rather die than be away from him. And because he does not love you and never will. I came here tonight for this secret meeting because I foresaw all of this and more. I wanted to make it clear that Arwen is the only woman for him."

I gave her time to digest everything I had said. She looked down as tears rolled down her cheeks. I sighed and pushed my cloak all the way back to reveal my black dress which she looked at with wide eyes. From what she had seen, elves did not wear black. That was the color of evil. I saw her looking and explained:

"I was and am still in mourning over the loss of my dear non-blooded kin therefore the dress remains until I am ready to let him go in peace. So yes, I came here to speak with you in the middle of my mourning period." I looked her straight in the eyes when I said that so she could see I was not being deviant; that the grief still visible in my eyes was real.

"You did not have to do that." She said humbly.

"I did because my vision showed me a man coming into your future that you must not ever let go of. And it is not Aragorn. Through these battles you must let your heart soften for a man to love, needs a woman who can fight and yet be his reason for breathing and waking each morning to love. Warriors are many though maybe not amongst us women. But letting the heart heal and open to love is the greatest achievement a warrior can bring to themselves and those around them. Think on it. You still have time." I said wisely as I reached behind myself and Sunset appeared in the shadows; I was ready to leave.

"Will you not stay and fight? Your skills are much needed." She asked as I smiled at her and swung onto Sunset's back.

"I shall take my leave now but do not worry you will see me in a couple of days. I am a warrior by the blood pumping in my veins and not one battle can go without my being there. I have to go back and prepare. I think now that the message has been delivered to you, my job here is done and perhaps just perhaps I can lay this dress away and be done with my grief. It is time to get one step closer to Mordor."

"Do you really think we can win?" She said softly then. I smiled at her and answered just as quietly.

"There is always hope, my dear. Through great pain and suffering, hope is the one thing next to love that can always defeat evil. Always remember that. Peace be with you." I said and galloped back into the shadows through the trees, not making a sound.

For a great while, Eowyn stood watching the darkness of the forest around her wondering if she could spot me or the black stallion with ocean blue eyes but all she could see was night as she returned to her own tent lost in thought of things to come and fights to win and hopefully not lose.

Meanwhile, I had already made my way down the mountain and rode slower than usual looking at the moon as I journeyed back toward Rivendell. I knew that I would have to make my appearance very soon in Gondor and be ready for another epic battle. So I just sat silently on Sunset and thought of everything that was to happen including the connection to the pallantir and everything fading to white. Whatever it meant, I would be there. My thoughts drifted to Frodo and Sam somewhere in the wilderness making their way slowly toward Mordor and Mt. Doom.

When I finally reached Rivendell and left Sunset at the stable, I went straight to my uncle's wing where I knew he would be waiting for me after which I would go immediately to Arwen's and probably spend the night with her. As I knocked and was allowed entrance, my uncle who was sitting on a chair looked me over and nodded. We did not have to say anything to each other. I walked over, kissed him on the forehead and he hugged me tightly. He was scared now; one could feel it. His daughter was succumbing to evil and mortality and his niece was getting ready to fight the largest war of her eternal life to save the world. I knew he could not bear to lose either of us and I would make sure that did not happen no matter what. At least, one of us would live; at most both would.

Now that both of our meetings were complete in the world of men, it was time to prepare for the inevitable and the end, whichever way it would go. Gondor was the last defensive against Mordor, we could not let it fall. That was what was on my mind as I left my uncle's wing, made my way to Arwen's and relieved Elrohir, as she slept soundlessly. I could feel her growing weaker by the moment. I kissed her on the cheek, squeezed her hand as she squeezed mine back and I lay on the lounge bed across from her thinking of the future as I fell asleep, gazing at the giant full moon.

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