Ch. 10 ~ Thranduil

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            As Haldir and I finished off our training one particular afternoon, we just stood about speaking with the other elves in the guard and army. Just then they all straightened up as if someone of great importance had come up to us and behind me. I turned around to see Celeborn, aunt Galadriel's husband standing there alone. The man very rarely cracked a smile but was never unkind toward anyone especially his wife's kin. He regarded me as if I was a queen in my own right even bowing to me frequently, which I thought was particularly strange. Aunt Galadriel had explained to me that because of my lineage, I was higher than him rank wise even though he was her husband. She also had asked him to bow to me as a preparation for my future as princess of both of my lands. It still took a lot to get used to. 

"Princess Hedraliel." Celeborn said my name and bowed to me. I looked at him with my eyebrows raised. He obviously had come to tell me something very important and therefore did not send for a messenger.

"Yes?" I said in a whisper before clearing my throat so I could be audible. He continued:

"My apologies for interrupting your training but Lord Elrond requests your presence immediately back in Rivendell. He says it is time."

"I understand. I shall leave at once. Thank you." I replied as a thousand thoughts raced through my head. Celeborn bowed again and turned around and left without a word.

"Time? Time for what?" Haldir asked.

"Time to prepare for war." I said as I started gathering up my weapons.

            As I bid farewell to the army and started heading up the pathway leading to my quarters, Haldir followed me the whole way. As I entered my quarters and started gathering up my clothing to put into my satchel as well as my weapons he finally spoke as we were alone.

"War? What war?"

"Do not worry about it. This has nothing to do with you." I said as I hurriedly prepared for my departure. Just then someone knocked on my door, I opened it and it was a caretaker from the stables who was sent to receive my orders.

"Please prepare Sunset, I must leave at once." I told the elf.

"As you wish, princess." He said bowing low before he left. Once we were alone again, Haldir turned to me:

"Is Rivendell under attack?" He asked as I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Of course not. Where would you get that silly idea?"

"Then what war would you be fighting if it was not in defense of your homelands?"

"I am only there to assist...." I said not wanting to go into an explanation.

"Assist whom?"

"The Lord of Dale and the men of his homeland, the Dwarves of Erebor, and the Elves of Mirkwood." I answered exasperated and turned my back to him then as you could have heard a pin drop. My clothes were packed and everything was ready. All I had to do was leave my quarters; which would have been easier if Haldir was not blocking the door at that moment.

"You are going to Mirkwood, are you not?"

When I said nothing:

"Answer me!" His voice got angrier.

"Yes we are. My uncle is also coming. Now please stand out of my way, I must leave at once." He stepped aside long enough for me to pass but then grabbed my arm and turned me to face him.

"This is not your war, Hedraliel! This is not your evil to fight!" He said harshly.

"It is my war and it is my fight!! It has been for a very long time! You do not have any idea what of anything that has been going on! Now let go of me before I remove you!" I said coldly, with my free hand on Altherial's handle. He immediately let me go.

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