Ch. 1 ~ The First Meeting

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***Everything in italics is spoken in Elvish; in this chapter and in all of the future ones.***

          As a young girl growing up in Rivendell and Lothlorien, I had a lot to learn about the world outside. Not that I was sheltered in anyway; Arwen and I were both brought up by her father and my uncle Elrond and I often visited aunt Galadriel in Lorien. It was on one of these journeys when I was barely more than a young adult that I met Haldir. He became my best friend, my confidant, and a bothersome older brother if you will. We grew together and when it was time to train and learn the art of the elves, it was Haldir who helped me learn how to fight.

Sadly, I was not as good of an archer as just about every elf in both lands. However, I compensated for it by showing extreme swordsmanship. One day, Haldir was taunting me while I was practicing with my sword which aunt Galadriel had given to me called Altherial (I named my beautiful and brave daughter after that sword). Needless to say, I was not happy with Haldir and in one fell swoop, I cut his bow in half. He was so stunned by my speed and precision that he never came after me again. I was very proud of myself indeed. I was only a little frightened that aunt Galadriel would be cross with me for that but she smiled, shook her head, and in no uncertain words, said that he deserved it. From then on, I had much more confidence in myself and my skills with my sword.

Next came horse training. Most elves rode white horses but one day walking around the outer wood of Lorien, I spotted a midnight black horse with blue eyes that was bucking against the sky and sunset. Our stable caretakers realized that that was the horse I wanted but they could not get close to him. He was beautiful. So I walked closer to him, taking measured steps until I was inches away from him. I stopped and put my hand out waiting patiently. Haldir was shouting something in the background along the lines of it being too dangerous but I paid him no mind.

The horse reared and bucked a few more times and then to the surprise of everyone, he came slowly closer to me until he poked his nose into my outstretched hand. I waited a little while and then our eyes met and that was it; the connection was made. He came close enough for me to brush his full mane with my hands and hug him. As we stood there against the setting sun, that is what I decided to call him; Sunset.

What made the situation comical was that Sunset did not let anyone near him except me. It took forever for our stable caregivers to earn his trust while it took me a very short time. We had an instant bond; from that time on, he was the only horse I ever rode on. I learned how to ride him both with a saddle and bareback, the latter being a feat that very few female elves even attempted. Arwen was very proud; I loved my cousin very much. We spent a lot of time growing up together. One day, in Rivendell as I was getting ready to visit Lorien again, I saw her speaking to a man who was not an elf. He was different from anyone I have ever seen her with before. Later on I learned his name was Aragorn and he was supposed to be the heir to the throne of Gondor. Regardless, it was obvious both were very much in love but uncle Elrond was not sure Aragorn was ready to be with his daughter yet, so he sent him on his way to find himself.

I always wondered after that day whether I was destined to meet my soul mate. As luck would have it, fortune favored the brave. I would in fact meet him very soon after. One day, Haldir and I had ridden our horses far away from both Lorien and Rivendell and ended up on the outskirts of yet another forest. It looked very mystical, but not like my two homes. Just as I dismounted from Sunset, a woman with red hair emerged from a doorway deep inside. As she approached, I looked up at Haldir and asked:

"Where are we?"

"This is the home of the Mirkwood elves led by king Thranduil."

"How come we do not know much about them?" I asked puzzled as we both watched the red head get closer.

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