Ch. 33 ~ Sacrifice

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This was it, I was ready. I mounted Sunset with the pallantir in my satchel on one side and the rest of my weaponry on the other. Riding between Mithrandir who had Pippin behind him and Legolas with Gimli, I said not a word. My face was blank of all expression. All I did was concentrate on the task at hand. Legolas and Mithrandir both looked at me on occasion but I betrayed nothing. If there was any fear, my heart felt it naught. The closer we got to the Black Gate, the colder everything inside me felt. That was the way it had to be in order to pull off what I had to do. Aragorn rode in front with flag bearers near him and Eomer with Merry in the middle as well. Finally we all lined up at the Black Gate.

Aragorn, Legolas with Gimli, Eomer with Merry, Gandalf with Pippin, and a flag bearer rode toward it. I stayed behind and monitored the men and watched silently, with one hand on Sunset's reigns and the other patting the satchel with the black orb. As Aragorn called out Sauron to surrender, the gate opened and a very peculiar and ugly creature came riding out on horseback. It was unlike anything I had ever seen and it made me raise an eyebrow looking at it. The thing had the worst teeth I had ever seen on anything which included goblins, orcs, and Uruk-Hai. But then I suppose hygiene was not the number one priority for Sauron and his monsters.

I could tell what Aragorn thought of it myself even from the distance of where Sunset and I were

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I could tell what Aragorn thought of it myself even from the distance of where Sunset and I were. It appeared from what the thing said as it clearly was the Mouth of Sauron that it wanted everyone to believe that Frodo was dead due to the Mithril shirt it threw at Gandalf. I narrowed my eyes then because it was clearly lying; had Frodo been dead, so would Sam and it never mentioned a second Halfling. Filthy, degenerate, scum. Just as I thought that, Aragon took its disgusting head off of its emaciated shoulders and that concluded that. As they rode back the gates started to open.

"I should have given Aragorn my shurikin, using his beautiful Anduril on the likes of that was just a waste." I whispered to Sunset who seemed to neigh in agreement. Then as the riders returned to their positions and faced what was about to be the onslaught of the century, I whispered in Sunset's ear:

"I am going to have to use the pallantir now so do not fret, my darling. I will not leave you. We shall face this battle together but there is something I must do first. You must trust me no matter what happens later. Just stay strong." Sunset neighed uneasily.

Just then Aragorn rode down the flanks to get his brethren ready, made sure that his men were prepared to whatever end.

"Hold your ground, hold your ground! Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good Earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!"

I knew they would not let him down. None of us would. Then looking at Legolas, Gimli, and Mithrandir, he said:

"For Frodo."

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