Ch. 44 ~ The Sea Calls Us Home

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    Years flew by on angels wings. The kids were growing as our land was prospering. Altherial, Elros, and Angrendir started learning the art of fighting early on. With the armies of all three lands fully reassembled for any future issues, it was easier to show our children the proper techniques. Legolas taught them skills of the bow and arrow while I took over swordsmanship and horse training. I would often find my daughter in mine and Legolas' bed chamber staring in awe at the sword that was her namesake, knowing full well that someday she would inherit it as her own.

    Legolas also told them about my fighting style and how I would flip off of Sunset and so forth. At first our children thought their Ada was just trying to make their Naneth sound like a more powerful warrior but one day the 5 of us rode out of Rivendell to go visit Arwen, Aragorn, and their brood in Gondor. On the way there, we encountered a slew of orcs. It was then that I showed my children that their ada was telling the truth as I jumped on top of Sunset and rode him into the may lay before flipping off his back and taking out 3 of the horrid looking beasts simultaneously. The children's eyes all but popped out of their respective heads.

"That was amazing, Naneth. I hope that I too will be able to do that someday." Altherial said quietly as her brothers nodded in unison. They had not expected that.

When I was done with the orcs; we set them ablaze in a pyre of stench and then headed onward toward Gondor. It was our youngin's first trip to the great city of Minas Tirith and they were absolutely awestruck by it, especially Altherial. She instantly fell in love with the fortress. Our visit was very interesting as we let the children enjoy their time together while Legolas and Aragorn caught up and Arwen and I had our own private time. She and I were walking through the city with our arms around each other as she saw Altherial and Eldarion speaking intently in the corner. She then said to me in the common tongue:

"I believe your daughter and my son are smitten with each other. I do not need the gift of sight to see that." I smiled at her as I had seen it too.

"I think you may be right, cousin mine. Would not it be grand if they fell in love?" She laughed.

"Talk about keeping it in the family." We both laughed at that.

    Though she and I were cousins, our bloodline was very far apart so that way if our children did fall in love with one another, it would be safe to say they could easily wed. That is how most elves procreated in Middle-Earth anyways; just as long as the familial bloodline was long and far in between. Arwen and I were cousins yes but 64 generations apart. Our children were 65 once or twice removed so it was easy to have it happen. That being said, we did not push them together. Just like our own beloveds, we relegated our children to follow their hearts and love whomever they saw fit.

    One thing was for sure, Altherial and Eldarion were definitely on the path of falling in love as we walked discreetly by them without letting them know we were there. We were happy for them. Elros, Angrendir, Ever, and Melodia were a bit younger but they enjoyed each other's company and that was all that we could ask for at that point. Faramir and Eowyn--having heard of our arrival--came with their own son Elboron to see us and watch all of our children spend time together as we did as well. Gimli did not come with us this time as he caught a cold and was resting back in Rivendell. Aragorn and Arwen told us to give him their well wishes for a speedy recovery.

    It was during one evening when I was standing on the balcony in our room at Minas Tirith that a vision came through my mind; as I watched the vivid picture run itself in my head; I knew that it would soon be time. Though I was saddened by the upcoming event, I knew it was for the best. When it was time for Legolas, the children, and I to return to Rivendell, I took Arwen aside and told her of my vision. She was not surprised though one could tell her expression was one of profound sadness at the same time as contentment. We would cross the bridge together soon, just like everything we had done previously.

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