Ch. 3 ~ Encounter

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Time passed and I went about my life knowing full well that things were changing in the outside world around me even though I never saw the changes myself. The knowledge came from my birthright. Aunt Galadriel, uncle Elrond, and Arwen all had the gift of sight; though Arwen's was in the here and now as opposed to the future and wasn't always consistent. A lot of times they could not predict the future but they knew something was coming. I tried not to spend a lot of time thinking about doom and gloom. Arwen and I spent a lot of our time riding our steeds around Rivendell and talking. It reminded me a lot of when we were younger and used to giggle a lot about what our futures would be like; who would we marry, how many children we would have (we both wanted 3 each), and how our lives would turn out.

One day, Arwen could not ride and I decided to take Sunset alone outside of Rivendell. I knew that I had to be in a secure location and always be armed so I strapped on various daggers and Altherial as well. I rode out of the lands slowly and then let Sunset fly once we hit the open plains. Just riding on a horse that flew like the wind was heavenly. We rode that way for hours until I lost track of time or where I was really and just enjoyed being carefree on my steed.

A few times Sunset reared back like something spooked him but I could not see anything around us so I just slowed him down so I could watch out for any danger. For a long time we just rode slowly around the rock cliffs and edges, through valleys and plains without seeing anything. For some time, I thought that perhaps he had just been spooked by something that was small like a rodent or perhaps a bird of some kind but--and I have been riding him for years--if something spooks Sunset, it is worthy a second glance. He was a very powerful horse who would ride into just about anything with you. That is one of the reasons we connected so long ago. Haldir always grumbled and said that I had a death wish of some kind, which was simply not true. I just knew that if and when the time came, I could handle myself and perhaps protect others.

As those thoughts passed through my mind, I saw almost at the last possible moment a spear flying straight at my head! I ducked low on Sunset and quickly glanced toward where it came from. I saw a whole horde of them; goblins. I had seen them from afar before but not close and not in attacking positions either. There were maybe 20 or 30 of them and they were racing towards me on vile looking beasts. Goblins were vicious beings that killed and ate their prey. Elvish blood and flesh was prized for them; so to have them spot one all alone on her steed and a female at that must have seemed like easy pickings to them. Too bad they did not know who I was yet; they were soon to learn!

I unsheathed Altherial and galloped toward them at top speed, probably not what they were expecting. Then I jumped on top of my horse and rode him while balancing on his back holding his reigns.

"So it is a fight they want, nasty beasts? It is a fight we shall give them. Get ready Sunset! On my mark!" I told the horse.

When I was ready, I whistled and he came to an abrupt halt as I flipped off his back and over his head onto the ground. Before I even landed I swung my sword and decapitated one goblin that was particularly close to me. I began to run and chop at them. They were falling right and left as Altherial was making their black blood splatter all around us. I leapt and balanced on different rocks as I just went at them in a methodical fashion. I did not look at Sunset for I knew he could take care of himself well and indeed he was. His bucking and rearing squished the beasts of the goblins as they were trying to bite at his ankles.

Sunset and I made a very good team. I could tell when the goblins started to fall back as I saw one look at me with different colored eyes. I cannot even put into words how physically hideous these things were. I do not recall their origins but I did know that the more of them there were, the more swinging I would have to do and that suited me just fine. I heard the goblins call for reinforcements so I knew very soon no matter how good I was, I would be vastly outnumbered and it would be time to head to the closest location for backup which was Lorien. Haldir and the Galadhrim would take them out quickly.

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