Ch. 40 ~ Farewell Ada (Legolas' POV)

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It has been a few months since our wedding and we have been living blissfully in Rivendell. Hedraliel has never smiled more and looked more at peace then she did now. Between winning the war against Sauron and our union with each other, I believe she has finally let go of all of her ghosts as have I. And I would not have been able to do it without her help; if she had not reunited my father and I the day before the wedding, who knows what would have happened. Thank the heavens she has the gift of sight and trusts her instincts. It is also quite heavenly to spend every night with her and wake up next to her each morning. We are no longer separated and have made her wing in Rivendell more couple friendly as opposed to just one female living there.

Lord Elrond gave us more room in the wing and even had a room made that is now our very own dining hall. We do not use it often as we prefer to eat in the main dining hall with Lord Elrond himself. We have visited Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn in Lothlorien too. Hedraliel loves spending time with her aunt. Also she visits Haldir's resting place when she is there. I do not intrude on her there as that is her private time with him. But on more than one occasion I have seen her speak to the tomb and she does not cry anymore. Ever since her experience in the 'In Between', she does not feel as sad about him passing knowing where he is.

The other day, I received a letter from my father. He and Tauriel were preparing for their departure from Middle-Earth to Valinor. They would be arriving in the Grey Havens in a matter of days, his letter had said. Hedraliel and I had promised that we would be there to see them off. I wanted the opportunity to see my father before he left and I did not want them to leave without anyone there to wish them safe passage. Perhaps in Valinor he could finally make things right with my non-blooded brothers; they all deserved peace. My father had already made large steps by finally coming to me and making peace; I had gotten my ada back and just in time before he left.

The day of their departure, Hedraliel and I left Rivendell on our steeds and rode swiftly but steadily to where the ship was waiting to carry them yonder. When we arrived, we left our steeds tied to trees and walked to where the harbor was where we found my father and Tauriel standing by the ship. When they saw us, they faced us; it was the first time Hedraliel or I had seen Tauriel in over a century. At first she hesitated then she bowed to us as Hedraliel stepped forward and gave her a hug. Even though my wife was now a queen, she was still very down to earth and considered Tauriel an equal everywhere not just the battlefield.

Tauriel was taken aback by the gesture but hugged her back. They exchanged unspoken words and we both noticed that Tauriel was wearing Kili's necklace that Hedraliel had given to her so many eons ago during the burial of the Durin bloodline post the Battle of the Five Armies. She was holding on to him and the memory of him for all eternity and carrying a piece of him to Valinor; after all, he was the love of her life. My father was watching the exchange and came forward with a smile. Looked like my wife and I were not the only ones that had let go of our ghosts. Ada looked peaceful and his smile was genuine; not bored looking or malicious or pompous like it was for a good portion of my life. He hugged both Hedraliel and I separately.

"Are you both ready for your journey?" Hedraliel asked them in the common tongue.

"We are; yes. It is time." My father replied with yet another smile; there was a twinkle in his eye that I had not seen since I was a young lad.

"Very much so." Tauriel added.

As the three of them spoke, I decided to go look aboard the vessel to make sure it was sound and everything within it as well. So I jumped onto the ship without using the platform that was ready for boarding. I looked around and three elves that were going to guide the vessel bowed to me as I nodded my head. Both Hedraliel and I were wearing our royal crowns or headpieces as she calls them. Now that we were king and queen of the three united elven lands, if we left Rivendell we had to wear our crowns everywhere we went even if it was just to Lorien or Mirkwood. I checked the ship and it was ready to go; I then returned back to shore to spend whatever time was left with my father and Tauriel. They would leave with the setting sun. Just then, my father took me aside to let the women talk and he wanted to speak with me privately too.

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