Ch. 13 ~ Understanding

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Weeks passed since that magical night where Legolas and I became one. That first morning after, I woke up to the sun streaming through the drapes and I became instantly aware that I was alone in bed. As I turned swiftly around, I saw him coming into the bed chamber carrying a tray of food. The elven maids had prepared breakfast for us so we did not have to go downstairs but could enjoy our privacy. I sat up with a smile. We ate in comfortable silence after he planted a kiss on my lips that tasted of sunshine and sweet rain. After we finished eating, I had gotten dressed as he already was and we went down to see what news we could hear.

That is when I learned that my aunt and uncle had departed that morning to go help Gandalf in Dol Guldur. Whatever was coming, the war, we knew it was only a matter of time before it was time to suit up and prepare for battle. So for the next few weeks, I would train with the Mirkwood army as well as with my love and even King Thranduil joined in a few times. When it came to the king and me sparring, in the end, it was a tie. I think he was even more impressed at that point. It is not like I needed to train but I always felt that there was not such a thing as being finished with learning and making yourself better at something.

My days were all very much the same; wake up, eat, train, write a letter to Arwen, eat, train some more, and relax with my love. Arwen and I missed each other but at least I could keep her in the loop about what was happening. She knew her father was off saving Gandalf so she and her brothers were left in charge. That is she did take the time of her father's absence to spend some time with Aragorn who would come by and visit. Our letters were daily and it meant a lot to me and to her as well. She kept me abreast of all that was going down in Rivendell, while I told her all about Mirkwood and everything I was dealing with. She was beyond thrilled when she first heard about my betrothment and wished she had been there. I told her, she would get to meet him once the war was over.

As much as I was worried about the war, I still did not know that much about what was to happen or who we were really fighting. There was still a lot to learn and sadly I was not in Rivendell's library so I could not get the needed information. All I had to go on was what Legolas and King Thranduil told me. There were dwarves who by the sounds of it, had come close to or have already reclaimed their mountain of Erebor. Then there was the dragon Smaug that was or was not vanquished, a whole chunk of orcs, and that creepy Necromancer that I was somehow connected to. A lot of unknowns. That was what I was thinking one day as I was just outside of Mirkwood by the river, practicing with Altherial; my eyes closed. As I turned around abruptly going through my motions, my blade struck another. When I opened my eyes to see what had happened, I saw Tauriel standing there; her own dagger against mine sword.

"You are mighty good with that sword." She was the first to speak as I lowered Altherial and re-sheathed her and Tauriel did the same with her dagger.

"Thank you." I said with a small smile; wondering what she wanted. Switching to Elvish, she spoke again.

"I wanted to come speak upon you. I know you wonder about me. Or have previously about Legolas and I." Her eyes cast down briefly then met mine again. When I did not say anything, she continued.

"You are strong; much stronger then I. Furthermore, you are a princess and a warrior with great skill. You are everything King Thranduil wanted his son to have. I knew he loved you from almost the first time he laid his eyes upon you. You need not worry about me. Yes indeed I care for Legolas but I could never be what he wants, needs, or should have. I am below him; my status as a Sylvan elf makes me more of a soldier then a lover or a wife to a prince."

I took everything she said in and thought about it long and hard before I was going to reply. She was being brutally honest but kind as well. I was not going to shut her down. She did not deserve that. She wanted to let me know she was not going to steal my betrothed and explained her way of thinking. Now it was my turn. I walked over to a bench and sat down, looking up at her.

"Tauriel, thank you for telling me all of this. I do not however believe that you are so low in our hierarchy that you cannot be with whom you choose. Love surpasses all boundaries. As I mentioned to the king when I was first introduced to him; I was not here to impress him. I was and am here to fight a war; a war that I am tied to through no fault of my own. You are a brave elf and woman; you will find the love you seek soon enough. If you have not found it already, that is."

When I said that last sentence, her eyes quickly cast down and she turned away which gave me the notion that I was correct about my thinking and what Legolas told me. Perhaps she was enamored with that dwarf Kili. And so what? So what if he was a dwarf? Love knew no boundaries; if a connection was made on both sides, they should pursue it. Granted, with this war upon us, might not be the best time but who knows what the outcome will be? Why waste time? I knew I had to say something regarding that to her.

"Tauriel, this may not be my business but you seem to have an emotional connection with that dwarf Kili and if so, do not hide it. Love or even interest is a positive thing. We do not know what is going to happen in this war. And wasting an opportunity just because someone may not approve is not right. Go with it, try to figure it out. I do not want to come off as the fairy mother of all elves but falling in love and then thinking I lost him to you, it made me think a lot about our immortal existence. If you have something wonderful in front of you, grab it and hold it close to your heart." I said with a smile as she watched me as I spoke.

She then came up to me and sat on the bench next to me. We sat in silence for a little while as we both absorbed what was said. No one could truly predict the future. Some of it yes but not to the exact extent. I just knew that when one finds true love, it is best not to let it go. Finally, she turned to me and said:

"Thank you for understanding. I honestly do not know my feelings for Kili. There is so much I do not know and dwarves are supposed to be our enemies or at the very least beneath us but I do not feel that way anymore. Why do you suppose that is?"

"Probably because as we learn more and more about the other inhabitants of Middle Earth; they are not that different from us. The good ones I wager not the evil ones. Growing and fighting alongside of others brings the populous as a whole together just the right way. At least that is what I was taught by my uncle and aunt."

We sat there for a little longer as our prospective of each other grew closer and better. We were finally understanding one another. She was no longer my rival but instead my partner in the battle against evil. I looked over my shoulder and saw the sky start to darken. I used to love the darkening of the sky but ever since the black cloud had descended upon Middle Earth, there was something foreboding about darkness in general. I wish I knew what it was. But I guess now was only a matter of time before we had to face off against heavens knew what. I was itching to get into the fight. More so then not, I wanted it to be over so we could win and move on with our lives. But who knew how anything would end. Tauriel then turned her head toward me and said:

"It will be an honor to fight by your side Princess Hedraliel Anorithilian of Rivendell and Lothlorien. I will not let you down." She bowed her head to me as she was sitting as I waved my hand away and shook my head.

"No need for formalities here Tauriel. We are just two women getting to know each other as well as understanding both sides of both lives." She nodded then and smiled.

"Thank you for everything. For speaking with me, it was very important for me to explain upon you that I never wished you any harm." She got up then from the bench where I continued to sit.

"I know, my dear. Peace be with you no matter what."

"And with you." She replied and walked back inside slowly.

I watched after her for a while and then got up and stood by the railing. I watched the water shimmer in the fading light. I was glad she had approached me. I would hate for us to be rivals or enemies without rhyme or reason. It made sense to talk it through. Just as I was thinking through our conversation, Legolas came out and said to me:

"I just heard from my father, we need to get ready. Tomorrow we travel to Laketown. War is on the horizon, my love. We leave early." I looked at him and nodded. This was it. Everything we had practiced for.....war was upon us.

It was time.

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