Ch. 16 ~ Healing

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            As we neared Lorien, the call went out and the gates were opened to welcome us. We rode in on Sunset straight toward the stables as I saw the path lined with armed guards that stood at attention as I steered the steed past them. I was not sure why they were all lined up. At the stable, Legolas hopped off the horse first, he then helped me down. The look that he gave me, I did not argue with. He was too worried about my wound; I understood. But there was one more place I had to go before I would take care of it. But first I told the caretaker to give Sunset a good washing and perhaps he would even need to replace a shoe. He bowed to me as I thanked him.

            As I turned away, I was met by Celeborn and Haldir as well as both the armed guards and elves of Lorien who all stood in lines along the pathways. I was confused; Celeborn explained upon seeing my facial expression:

"They are welcoming you home with honor, princess. Both you and your betrothed." I blinked a bit as my vision was a bit blurry, probably more from the pain I was finally allowing myself to feel from my wound than anything else but I was stubborn.

"How is my aunt?" I asked Celeborn without looking at Haldir who was exchanging looks with Legolas.

"Still weak, but gaining strength every day." He said.

"I must see her at once. Please take me to her."

"What about your wound?" Haldir asked impatiently looking me all over trying to find it.

"Soon, soon. Please have a few nurse maids come to my quarters to help me with it." I requested.

"Maybe, it is not a good time to tell your aunt about that, her still being weak and all." Legolas said meekly as I smiled and replied to him:

"My aunt has the gift of sight, my love. She already knows I have been wounded. I can never hide anything from her, even if I wanted to." I touched his face then and asked him to wait for me in my quarters. I then followed Celeborn as I heard Haldir gasp behind me as he finally saw the matted blood in my hair and as he led Legolas to my quarters, the latter explained the how.

            As I walked up the stairs of the great tree and followed Celeborn through a maze of lights and pathways toward their own personal wing, I was nervous as to the state I would find her. After all, I had seen what had happened in Dol Guldur and the force with which she banished Sauron. I had never seen her that scary looking before. As I knocked and was bidden entrance, I saw her lying in bed looking extremely pale. We looked at each other and she was barely able to raise her arms to me as I ran into them. I fell to my knees as I embraced her and tears squeezed out of my eyes. I think it was a combination of the battle just ending, not knowing her condition, and perhaps fearful of my own. But only having my arms around her, did I feel she would be alright; I simply could not lose any more family members. She soothed me but she did not touch the back of my head and from the way we were holding each other, she could see the damage up close.

"Shh there there precious one. I am growing stronger as we speak. Do not worry over me."

"How could I not? I saw, all of it, you banishing him. I felt the snapping as he left my body. Why sacrifice so much?"

"Sauron is gone now into the east and he had a hold on you, I would not let that pass. Whatever power I had, I would use it all to save my family and Mithrandir."

"Aunt Galadriel, I cannot lose you. Please never do that again." I said to her almost admonishing her as she smiled and gestured to my head as I switched back to the common tongue.

"Well that was not my own doing; I did not exactly anticipate having my head make contact with a rock wall's leading edge." I said sarcastically.

"No I suppose not, you fought bravely; just as I knew you would. The Battle is over now." She sighed but I shook my head.

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