Ch. 12 ~ Heart to Heart

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***Note: This chapter contains mild sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.***

**This chapter is dedicated to Ekaterina Khokhryakova for the lovely artwork she found.**

        I am actually betrothed to the love of my immortal life. I cannot stop smiling. Those were my thoughts as I left Legolas to return to my quarters and change for that evening's feast in honor of our celebratory announcement. It was a good thing that I had brought a few different clothing options with me. The elven maidens that were put in charge of helping me in my quarters had already put away my clothing neatly and easily so I could find whatever I needed. I decided on a silver and gold gown with long wide sleeves and an open throat so I could wear my familial necklace in view of everyone. I unbraided my hair after taking a bath. The maidens helped me dress; they brushed my hair out until it was as straight as the heartiest branch in all of Mirkwood.

            After which, they helped me into my gown which had a woven pure golden rope tied at the waist. I tied it simply into a knot to one side and let the long ends hang by my right side. Lastly, after my familial necklace was on, they helped me with my head piece which was both golden and crystal to symbolize my ties to Rivendell and Lothlorien respectively. And as I looked at myself in the long mirror, I knew I was ready. Now that I no longer felt strange or uncomfortable being who I really was, I could honestly say that I looked every inch a powerful princess as I twirled in my dress and the maidens giggled and I along with them. Regardless of my standing in the hierarchy of elves, I never let myself feel or act as if I was better than others. I was brought up differently; uncle Elrond and aunt Galadriel taught me differently. Humility was something I had known from a very young age. 

            As they opened the door for me to walk out, I already heard music playing and voices conversing. As I did not know Mirkwood at all, I just followed the music and two of the elven maidens who held my dress in the back to make sure it did not get caught on anything, also directed me where to go. I had to admit, I was very nervous. I fingered the rope at my waist and what I had attached to it just as I left the room. I had decided to attach the Greenleaf Broach to the knot on the rope at my waist. It would return later to Altherial's holder but for now, I had to show to all those elves at this gathering to whom I now belonged and why there was a celebration in the first place. 

            We finally approached the top of the final stairs which led to the large dining room. From where I was standing partially hidden, I saw uncle Elrond and King Thranduil speaking to each other. Tauriel was there also having a conversation with some elves which I had seen earlier and knew were Legolas' brothers; Elros and Tilos. Other members of the guard and royal family lingered about. Just before I started my final descent, I saw Legolas standing alone. He was wearing a coat very much matching my gown only his was more silver and less gold. But he wore his head piece as well. His back was to the staircase but as I became fully visible, a horn sounded out in the deep and he whirled around, looking at the top of the stairs.

            Our eyes finally met and lingered. The only time I glanced briefly down was to make sure I did not miss a step. Otherwise, once our gazes locked, that was it. Everyone's eyes were on me as well. As I stepped onto the 5th step, he climbed up toward me and offered me his hand so I took it, he kissed mine softly, and together we made our way down. His eyes were sparkling as they took in my appearance and I blushed slightly though not enough to embarrass myself as I was the big blusher in the family. We gazed at each other and only after some soft giggles remembered that we were not the only ones in the room.

            As we were about to be formally introduced to the room, a bright white light appeared that blinded just about everyone unless you knew who or what it was. I gasped out loud in surprise as Legolas looked upon me for an explanation. Soon it would not be needed as the light dissipated to reveal aunt Galadriel. The other elves were in total awe of her as was King Thranduil. Most had only heard of her and never seen her with their own eyes. So for her to grace them with her presence was a real gift. She looked upon the gathered party; when her eyes met uncle Elrond's the two of them exchanged a smile and a nod.

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