Chapter 17

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I was laying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling thinking about today's events with Sakura. I clenched my jaw as I saw that bastard Keith touching her.

I wish I could have killed the guy then and there
I thought to myself. She didn't deserve any of that.

My heart clenched at how terrified she was when I was holding onto her

I'll make sure that she never has to go through anything like that again

"Yami?" Said a small voice, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked towards my door and see little auibo standing in the doorway.

I sit up. "'What is it Yugi?"

"Are you ok?" He asks "you've been really quiet since lunch"

I sigh. "Sorry little auibo" I replied "I guess I've been lost in thought"

"Is it about sakura-Chan?"

I nod. I told him earlier about the run in with Keith so he quickly understood. "She was so fucking scared" I said as I clenched my fist "she never should have to be that scared, she doesn't deserve that"

Yugi walks over and sits next to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Nobody deserves that" he says "be glad you and Kaiba got there when you did, who knows what he would have done"

I just nod, not wanting to think about it.

Our conversation is interrupted but the sound of my phone ringing. I look to see Joey's name lighting up the screen, and I quickly answer it.


"Hey Yami" replied a tired voice from Joey

My eyes narrowed slightly at the way his voice sounded. "Is everything alright?" I asked "how's sakura?"

I hear him take in a shakey breath.

"Physically she's ok, but mentally and emotionally she's a mess" he replied

Worry quickly takes ahold of me. "What happened?"

He whimpers slightly as I hear him try to talk but he starts sobbing over the phone.


"Let me talk to them puppy" I hear kaiba's voice in the background. "Yami" greeted kaiba

"Kaiba" I replied "what happened?"

He sighs on the other end then he explains what happens after they had all gotten home.

"Puppy found her cutting herself when he went to check on her"

My heart dropped. "W-what?"

"Joey's appearance stoped her from doing too many, but according to him she didn't even realize she was doing it" said kaiba "that was the scariest part, she seemed horrified once she realized what she was doing"

Sounds like how I used to be I thought to myself as I looked down at the light scars from when I used to be drowning in my own thoughts.

"What are you going to do?" I asked

There's a sigh. "I personally don't know... Joey has a been through similar events that she's gone through, so I'm positive that he'll help her" replied kaiba "and I swear I'll do whatever I can to help her as well"

"That makes two of us" I said "I can understand what possibly lead her to wan she did and I can help her find a better way to cope with it"

"Thank you Yami, amy and all help will be greatly appreciated"

"Did THE famous, cold Seto Kaiba just thank me?" I asked with a smirk "willingly?"

I practically feel the eye rolling over the phone "Oh fuck off" replied kaiba "tell anyone and I'll have to kill you"

I chuckle a bit "And he's back" I said "I'll let you know if I have any ideas to help Sakura, I'll talk to the others too, minus tea of course"

"Fair enough" he replied "good night" with that he hung up.

I looked over a yugi who was sitting quietly on my bed still and tilted my head at his wide eyes. "What is it?"

"You and kaiba agreed on something? AND he APOLOGIZED? ON PURPOSE?"

I laughed a bit. "We may be rivals but we're still human"

"But this is Seto kaiba we're talking about"

I shrug. "We both have a person we want to protect" I replied "I believe that's a good reason"

"True" then he gets up and stretches "I'm heading to bed now, good night Yami"

"Good night yugi"

Then he leave me alone to my thoughts again. I promise sakura I won't let anyone hurt you again I thought to myself. I'll protect you even if it's from yourself

—————AUTHORS NOTE—————

I am sorry for not updating in a while a lot of events have happened so I haven't really been on here.. I'll continue to update but I have no timeframe unfortunately.

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