Chapter 19

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Sakura's POV

After getting we got everyone up and moving we all headed out to the limo that was waiting outside to take us to school. Mokuba goes In followed by me, daddy, then finally papa. Mokuba immediately curled up on the seat and falls asleep for a small nap before we drop him off at school.

Seto sighs. "Maybe I need to start limiting his screen time"

Daddy and I just laugh.

"Does that mean we get to do the same to you?" Asked Joey.

Seto just crosses his arms and looks out the window pouting knowingly he just walked into the situation.

I giggle "the only difference is that papa works almost 24/7 and Mokuba doesn't" I said.


Seto looks at me with a small smile and I wink at him.


We were just chatting till we eventually got to Mokuba's school. He waved us goodbye and we soon left and a few moments later we arrived at the High School.

We all get out and are met with people staring and mumbling as we all walked towards the building.

"Why are they all staring?" Asked Sakura nervously as her eyes wandered around at everyone.

"They probably heard about what happened between us and Bandit Keith" replied Seto.

"Should we be concerned?"

"No I don't think so, just stay close just to be safe"

"O-okay papa"


I stayed close to my dads as we made our way past the large groups of people that were watching us.

I already felt my anxiousness rising but tried hard to maintain a calm appearance. I look up ahead and see our friend. I immediately see Yami and I quickly felt better and I smile and wave at them.

Yami smiles slightly and I notice something in his eyes that make my heart flutter and I look Down feeling my face get slightly warm. What was that? I thought to myself That wasn't fear like I'm used to that was.... Warm.

I look back at him and it happened again. I'll ask daddy and papa later I thought to myself.

I look at our other friends and see them all smiling and waiting for us to get to them but I notice Tea just standing there with her arms crossed glaring at me making me shrink back a bit. W-why is she mad at me? What did I do?

We get to the group and I do my best to stay away from Tea.

"Good morning everyone" I say with a small smile.

Yami approached me with a warm smile. "Good morning Sakura" he replied "How are you this morning?"

"I'm good" I said "better than yesterday"

He nods "that's good to hear hopefully it'll keep improving"

"Thank you Yami"

"You all ready for class?" Asked tristen from next to dad.

We all then grab our things then go out separate ways to our first period.

Seto , Yami and I apparently all have the same class while everyone else dropped off.

"Sakura do you mind if I have a look at your schedule?" Asked Yami "Id like to see if we have any other classes together... a lot happened yesterday so I didn't get a chance to ask."

"S-sure" I said as I dig into my side bag to grab the piece of paper with my classes on it. " here you go"
I hand it to him. He grabs it and my face warms up again.

He looks it and smiles even more "we have most of the same classes except for about one or two"

I put on a big smile "Great!!" I said "I'm looking forward to them"

We continue on following Seto

Todays gonna be a good day


Shes so cute when she happy I thought to myself as I walked beside her to class.

I look down at her and my heart fluttered as I watched her with her little bounce in her step.

I chuckle a bit causing her to look up at me curiously. "What's funny?" She asked

I shake my head slightly. "It's nothing" I replied "I'm just happy to see you happy"

Her cheeks turn a bit red and she smiles shyly "thank you I think"

She's adorable

"I'll always be around when you need me"

"Thank you Yami I appreciate it"

then we just chatted till we got to the class room before going in and to our seats to begin our day


I watched slightly as Yami and Sakura interacted and internally smiled every time Sakure smiled.

He's good for her I thought He makes her happy just by being around

I turn forward in my desk to face to front.

I'll let it continue but if he hurts her in any way I will personally kill him.

A New Life (YamixOC and SetoxJoey)Where stories live. Discover now