Chapter 18

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I woke up the next morning hungry.

That's right I didn't have dinner last night, I thought

I throw the covers off of me and sit at the edge of my bed. I look down at my arms, disappointed that I even did it in the first place.

I gotta keep trying, I can't let my past control me

I get up and head out of my room towards the kitchen.

I get there to see Seto sitting at the table with a cup of what I'm assuming was coffee while in his laptop.

"Good morning papa" I said quietly

He looks up from his work and smiles at me. "Good morning" he says "how are you feeling?"

"Better" I replied "I-I'm sorry about yesterday I don't know what I was thinking" I rubbed my wrist gently.

Seto nods. "I'm not angry at you" he says "I'm just glad your ok"

I smile lightly. "I am"

He stand up from his chair and grabs his mug and walks over to the coffee maker. "Coffee?" He asks.

"God yes please" I replied as I go over to a cabinet and pull down a mug of my own. I hand him my mug and allow him to fill it up with the liquid gold.

"Cream is in the fridge and sugar is on the counter next to the fridge"

"Thank you papa!"

After I fix my coffee to how I like it I go and sit next to him "so what are you working on?"

"Just touching up some things for a new system for duel monsters "

"What kind of system is it?"

"It's pretty much an newer version of the things that go on your arm"

"I've seen those" I said "I notices some people having them on at school the other day"

Seto nods "I've been working on them for a long time, trying to improve where I can"

"Sounds complicated"

"It has its moments"

As Seto and I talked Mokuba comes in rubbing his eyes.

"Morning sakura, Morning Seto" he said groggily as he goes towards the pantry and pulls out a box of cereal

"Good morning" I replied

"Good morning little brother"

The tired boy fills a bowls with the colorful cereal and milk before coming to sit with us and starts munching with his eyes closed.

"You sleep ok?" I asked

Seto laughs slightly. "He was probably up all night playing video games again" he said

Mokuba just nods as he continues to eat.

"You better not fall asleep in class today" warned Seto.

The boy moans "Bit setooo" he whined "I don't wanna go today, I'm tiirrreed"

"Should have thought of that before you stayed up all night"

I just giggle as Mokuba just smacks his head on the table in defeat.

I then realized that daddy wasn't up still. "Where's daddy?" I asked

"Probably still asleep" said Seto "you wanna go wake him up?"

I smile and nod as I get up.

"Our room is a couple doors away from my office"

"Ok papa" I said and left the kitchen.

I hurry up the stairs and find the office then backtrack till I traced their bedroom. I knock first but don't hear a response. I slowly open the door "daddy?" I say as I peek in.

I see daddy laying on the bed hugging what I'm assuming was Seto's pillow  which made me smile before walking up to the side of the bed. I reach over and gently shake him.

"Daddy" I said gently

He groans a bit but doesn't wake up.

I shake him a little more "daddy it's time to get up"

"Nooooo" he groans

I let out a giggle and continue to shake him.

"Time. To. Get. Up"

"I don't wanna get up" he whines

"Don't make me go get Seto"

Suddenly he grabs me and pulls me down to lay with him making me squeak "no you're not"

I laugh "please" I say "we have school today"

"We all can skip"

"But I wanna go"


"Seto will come looking for us"

"Moneybags can't do shit"

"What was that puppy?" Asked a voice

We both look towards the door to see Seto leaning against the door frame with a smirk on his face.

I feel Joey tense up and I start to laugh

"B-Blue eyes" stutters Joey "w-we were talking about a-a-another moneybags"

Seto starts walking towards us and Joey starts to scramble up and hide behind me.

"Why am I the shield??" I ask

"Cause you love me and you don't want papa to hurt me" replied Joey jokingly

"You did this to yourself sir" I laughed trying to run away. 

Seto gets to the bed and tackles us both. "Nobody is safe!" He yells as he starts tickling me and Joey

We all laugh as seto torchers us a bit before we all calm down and just lay there. Seto is the first to get up.

"Alright" he says "let's get ready to go"

We all get up and get ready for the day.

Today's gonna be a good day


sorry y'all for the wait. Life has been really busy and hadn't had the time. Enjoy!!

A New Life (YamixOC and SetoxJoey)Where stories live. Discover now