Chapter 10

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The trio had gone up to Joey's and Seto's room where they were sitting on the bed joey and Seto were against the headboard with Sakura in the middle as they waited for her to collect herself in order to tell them her story.

"Are you sure you want to do this now?" Asked joey. "We are willing to wait a if you want."

Sakura shakes her head. "I'm never going to move on if I keep it in"

He just nods as he gets closer and takes her hand for comfort.

She takes a deep stuttering breath.

"When I was about 8 my parents and I were at home for a movie night"



"Sakura can you go check the popcorn" called mom from the living room.

"Okay mom" I yelled as I get up from mg computer chair in the office.

I walked into the kitchen and found dad already pulling out the popcorn with cookies hanging out of his mouth.

"Aha" I said "I knew you were the cookie culprit" I laughed as he drops the popcorn bag on the counter and puts his hands up in surrender.

"You wouldn't turn in you're own dad would ya?"

I put my finger on my chin. "There is a fee for bail"

He grins and offers me some cookies

"Okay you're free to go" I said as I take the cookies with a smile.

"Movie is ready!" Called mom

Dad and I took a large bowl and dumped the popcorn into it and walked into the living room where we took our spots on the couch, mine being between them.

"We ready?" Asked mom holding up the remote.

We nod and she starts the movie.

About halfway through there was a knock on the door.

Mom pushed the movie. "Were we expecting anyone"

Dad shook his head. "It's too late at night for anyone to really be out" he replied before getting up to answer the door.

We headed him open the door.

"Can I help you gentlemen?" 

"Only if you're dead"



There was a gunshot and a loud thud.

Mom quickly grabbed me and we ran deeper into the house where she shoved me into their bedroom and told me to hide.

"Mom come with me!" I cried, terrified out of my mind.

"Go hide" she said "I'll come find you in a little bit" then she ran off before I could stop her.

A New Life (YamixOC and SetoxJoey)Where stories live. Discover now