Chapter 7

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After Joey left I layed on the couch with Sakura sleeping soundly on my chest as I began pondering.

'I wonder if she will be willing to open up to us about her previous home?' I thought. 'Maybe I'll ask her once she wakes up'

I hear a small whimper and look down to see Sakura furrowing her brows with tears pricking her eyes.

I softly begin to pet them head and whisper reassuring words to her till she calmed down once again.

I laid there for about another few hours before I looked at the clock to see it's almost 11pm.

'I should probably get her to bed' I thought as I slowly slip out from her grip and stand up, careful not to wake her up. I then gently slide me arms under her and easily pick her up, shocking me as to how light she was.

'Holy hell' I thought. 'When was the last time she ate?'

Shaking off the thought for now I began making my way to Sakura's room.

I ended up passing the room where Joey and the others were and I peaked in to check on them all.

They had put in some kind of movie and were either watching it or they were asleep.

I had noticed that joey was still awake and whistled softly to try and get his attention without waking Sakura.

He looks over at us and smiled slightly, gets up and walks over to us.

"Hey Blue Eyes" he says softly

"Hey puppy" i reply, with a slight smile of my own. "How are you and geek squad?"

"Everyone is asleep," he says with a yawn. "I was getting there too"

I just nod. "I'm going to put Sakura in her room then turn in for the night"

He leans forward and kisses me. "I'll meet there soon" he says

I smile before continuing to Sakura's room, where I gently laid her down on her bed and pulled her blanket up.

"Good night cherry blossom" I said as I give her a aft kiss on her forehead before walking out of the room and to my own.


I watched as Seto disappeared into Sakura's room down the hall and I made my way back to his room where we both slept.

Once I walked in I grabbed a towel and some pajamas and walked into the bathroom and get in the shower. I then began to lose myself to my thoughts.

'Seto seems to have taken a liking to her' I thought to myself. 'Maybe he'll be okay with us actually adopting her instead of secretly keeping her here'

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the bathroom door opening followed by Seto walking in with no clothes and steps into the pouring water.

He looks at me. "Mind if I join you?" He asks with a small smirk.

I smiled back. "It's gonna cost ya"

He walks up and presses his lips on to mine making me smile into the kiss and wrap my arms around the back of his neck.

He licks the bottom of my lip asking for entrance which I happily allow and he slips his tongue in making me let out a moan.

He pulls away. "That good enough"

I make a thinking look. "I think I need a bit more than that" I said as I rub up against him making him groan.

'This is gonna be fun'

-time skip-

After our "shower" Seto and i were lying in bed with my head on his chest as he played with my hair.

"Seto" I said quietly


"Do you think we can adopt Sakura?"

He stops messing with my hair and I look up at him.

"You want to adopt her?"

I nod nervously. "I-I just thought that maybe it would be okay cause she won't end up in with another place where she's gonna be like this or worse"

He stares at my hopefully face and smiles. "This is one of the many reasons why I love you"

I smile and jump onto my hands and knees, leaning into him. "So we will?"

He nods.

I then crash my lips into his as happy tears go down my face.

"Thank you" I said after I pulled away.

"We both want her safe and she has grown on both of us" he said "I am willing to do whatever it takes and that includes letting her be a part of our family"

"We're having a kid"

"We are and she's beautiful"

A New Life (YamixOC and SetoxJoey)Where stories live. Discover now