Chapter 5

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Knock! knock! knock!

Seto groans as he slowly wakes up from his peaceful sleep

Where am I?' He thinks to himself as he looks at the ceiling, not quite knowing where he was.

He feels a slightly movement in his arms and looks down to se Sakura cuddled against his shirt with Joey on the other side of her, hugging her from behind.

Memories of  last night flash through his mind.

'We must have fallen asleep'


He lets out a groan and groggily slips away from the two still sleeping.

'What the hell do people want?'

He makes his way downstairs to the front door and opens it to find all of mostly Joey's friends including yami and duke.

"Hi Seto" says yuugi cheerfully

"What do you want?" Asks Seto grumpily

"Somebody didn't get their beauty sleep" said tristen

Seto glares at him before looking back at yuugi.

"We were looking for Joey" he says "he said he'd hang out with us today but he's nit answering his phone."

The young CEO sighed and lets them in. "I'll get him, but I don't know if he'll be up for today"

"Why? What happened?" Asked yami

"Long story, but I'm sure joey will explain" replied Seto before making his way back up the stairs. "Wait here"


'It's too early for all this' I thought as I made my way to Sakura's room. 'They better not force my puppy into anything'

I get to the room and smile when I see Joey and Sakura facing each other, cuddling with each other as they slept.

Walking over I slowly sit on the edge by Joey. 'I don't want to wake any of them but his friends will come looking for him and I don't think Sakura is okay with meeting more people right now'

I place a hand on Joey's shoulder and gently shake him. "Joey" I whisper so him. "You got to get up"

He lets out a groan but doesn't wake up.

"Joey" I said again with more force in the shake

He opens his eyes a bit to glance at me before closing them again. "Wat" he slurs

"Your friends are here asking for you" I replied

"Too early"

"It's 11:30"

"Still early"

I chuckle. "You want me to send them away?"

A New Life (YamixOC and SetoxJoey)Where stories live. Discover now