Chapter 26

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The next morning I was sleeping soundly when my dreamless sleep is interrupted by a buzzing sound.


I lazily reach toward my nightstand and feel around till my fingers touched the smooth cool surface of my phone. Then I answer it without looking at the caller ID

"Hello?" I said tiredly as I rolled into my back.

"Hi sakura" said the cheerful voice of yuugi.

"Good morning yuugi" I said still waking up. "Why you calling so early?"

"It's 10am"

"Its Sunday"

He laughs a bit. "I wanted to see if you wanted to come to the beach with us and the rest of the crew?"

The idea of the beach sounded great but then I remembered about the numerous scars littering my body and I frown.

"I would like to" I said sadly " but I don't have anything that I can get in the water with that will cover my body, I'm afraid of you guys seeing my scars"

I stare at my ceiling and I hear russeling and voices on the other end of the call.

"Sakura, love?" Said Yamis voice.

"Hi Yami" I said quietly

"Is everything alright my dear?"

"I was telling yuugi that I would love to come to the beach but I have nothing that'll cover enough of my scars" I said "I'm afraid of what everyone will think if they saw them"

"Oh Sakura" he says lovingly "I garantee none of them will judge you for your scars. You are a beautiful woman and you're kind and sweet. This group will support you not diminish you"

I smile at his choice of words. "That's sweet Yami"

"And besides there is plenty other things we can do besides go in the water"

"You're right thank you my pharaoh"

"Anything for you my queen"

"Tell yuugi I'll come along I just need to get dressed"

"Alright" said Yami. "I'll pick you up in about half an hour"

"Alright I love you"

"I love you more"

He then hangs up and I stare at the ceiling a bit longer before getting out of the warmth of my bed and head to my dresser.

I pull out a light blue shirt with a pair of black shorts, along with white sandals and a white sun hat.

I can probably ask daddy joey if he has sunglasses, maybe Mokuba?

Once I was finished getting dressed I grabbed a pink oversized towel and sunscreen along with my purse and phone before heading downstairs to the kitchen where I found Mokuba and Joey already up and eating breakfast.

"Good morning" I said as I put my stuff down and beelines to the coffee maker.

"Good morning sakura" said Joey with a grin "how'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good actually" she said "how bout you two?"

"Mfr eff ood" said Mokuba with his mouth full of food.

I giggle and continue making my coffee. "I'm assuming Seto had to work this morning?"

Mokuba swallows his food before speaking this time. "Yeah he said he had to go to the office this morning for a meeting"

A New Life (YamixOC and SetoxJoey)Where stories live. Discover now