Chapter 31

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I was in a dark room containing a bed and a desk with a wooden door on the opposite side of the room.

'Where am I?' I asked myself

There was a click at the door and James walks in with a lustful smirk making me take a step back.

"How's my little bird?" He asks as he closes the door behind him.

"J-james" I whispered as I start to tremble.

"Oh I like the way my name sounds like that" he says as he starts walking closer.

I back away more and more and a metal chain appears attached to my neck with him holding the other end. I pull at the collar as I try to get it off but it doesn't budge.

James chuckles and gives the chain a yank and I fall to the floor at his feet with a yelp. He squats down and pulls the chain up so I'm looking up at him.

"You're mine" he says as he pushes me onto my back and climbs on top of me, our clothes disappearing.

I start to cry and squirm to get away as he starts grinding against me. "No!" I yell as I start thrashing but he pins me to keep me from moving.

He leans to my ear and whispers. "You'll never escape me"

~End of nightmare~

I wake up and shoot up from bed with a scream. I pant rapidly as I look around and find myself in my room. There was the sound of footsteps rushing closer and my door swings open making me jump with another scream.

"What happened?!" Yelled Joey as him and Seto enter my room, looking around for the danger.

"S-sorry" I stutter "I j-just had a nightmare"

The two physically relaxed and they walk up to me and sit on opposite sides of me on my bed.

"Are you alright?" Asked Seto as he uses the sleeve of his shirt to wipe away the tears that were apparently on my face.

I take a deep breath and nod. "I'm fine"

"Ya sure?" Asked Joey "you've been having these nightmares almost daily"

I wrap my arms around myself and I squeeze. "I'm okay" I repeat quietly as I bring my knees up and burry my face in them.

There's a silence in the room and my phone suddenly goes off. I reach over to grab it and I peak at the screen and I see Yami's name pop up. I swallow down the lump in my throat and answer, ignoring the two in the room.

"H-hello" I said wincing at my stutter.

"Sakura?" Said Yami his voice with concern. "Is everything alright? You haven't been answering my calls or texts"

A small wave of guilt hits me. "I'm sorry" I said "I've been having some things going on"

He doesn't answer for a bit. "Has something happened?"

I tightened my grip on my phone and I glance up as Seto and Joey who were watching me with worry. I feel the lump form in my throat again as my eyes start to tear up. "Y-yes" I said as I start crying again.

"Hang tight love I'm coming over" said Yami and he hangs up.

"Yami is on his way" I told the two still in the room

"I'm sure you need him right now" said Joey "I'm surprised you haven't told him about what happened"

"I didn't want to worry him"

"I think moto should know" said Seto "he can protect you"

"I know" I said "I'm afraid of someone getting hurt"

We hear a slam of the front door followed by rushed footsteps coming towards my room. Within a few minutes Yami was standing in my door way panting. The second he sees me he beelines over to me as Joey steps aside and he gathers me in his arms.

"I'm here love" he murmurs to me and I cling to him desperately as I cry harder into him.

I hear Joey and Seto head towards the door. "We'll leave you two alone" said Seto

"Thank you kaiba" said yami followed by the door shutting it as they left.

We sit in silence as yami slowly strokes my head as I lean into him, as I play with his fingers on the hand in my lap.

"Love?" Said yami gently. "Do you wanna tell me what's going on?"

I stop playing with his fingers and I grip his hand. I take another stuttering breath. "Remember what I told you before?" I asked "about my past"

His grip tightens around me. "I do" he replied "I wish I could have helped you then"

I smile softly but it quickly disappears. "A few days ago at the supermarket with Joey, I-" I choke a small sob.

"Take your time my dear" said yami.

I calm down a little bit "I-I ran into the man who first took advantage of me" I hear Yami's breath hitch.

"He didn't do anything to you did he?"

"No, I don't think he recognized me" i replied "but I don't want him to figure out it was me"

"I won't let him near you" growled Yami slightly. "I will strike him where he stands"

I snuggle up to him till my head is under his chin. "I'm so scared" I tell him. "I've been having nightmares ever since I saw him again, I'm always brought back to that horrible place and h-he-"

"Sssssh" says Yami as he starts rocking me and rubbing my back. "You're not going back there, your here, safe and with me"

We stay like that for a bit and I pull away and look into his crimson eyes. "Thank you for coming over" I said "and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner I was just scared and i couldn't stop thinking about it and then the nightmares"

He smiles softly and he presses his forehead against mine. "You don't have to apologize" he said "I know you would have told me when you were ready"

I just nod and I let out a yawn and look at the clock reading 1:58 am.

"Let's get some sleep" he says and we scooch down and under the covers and he wraps his hands around me again, pulling me close to him.

I feel him kiss my forehead and I quickly fall asleep as I finally relax for the first time in a few days and I was out like a light.

A New Life (YamixOC and SetoxJoey)Where stories live. Discover now