Chapter 24

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Nobody pov

The next morning Joey and Sakura had gotten up a little early and Joey went ahead and texted yuugi, ryou, and Marik asking them if they wanted to go to the mall with him and Sakura.

*Joey joined the chat*
*Yuugi joined the chat*
*Ryou joined the chat*
*Marik joined the chat*

J- morning you guys wanna go to the mall with me and Sakura? She wanted to see if you guys wanted to
Y- I'm down Yami and grandpa are busy with the shop today so I'm free
R- Bakura said he wants to come if that's all right? He doesn't like being stuck at the house and he has nothing to do
J- Sakura says that he's welcome to come, she wanted to thank him for the other day at school
R-alright thank you :)
Y- what about you Marik? You coming?
M- I'll be there I might bring malik too in case bakura gets bored and they can do their own thing
J- great! Wanna guys meet us there or ya need a ride?
Y-a ride would be great if you guys don't mind :)
R-same with us please
M-might as well XD
J-alright see you guys in a few
*joey has left the chat*

Joey puts his phone down and looks at Sakura, who was reading a book while enjoying some coffee next to him. "So they're all down to go Ryou and Marik are bringing Bakura and Malik cause they'll get bored by themselves."

Sakura looks up from her book and takes a sip of coffee. "That's perfectly fine, they both helped me out with tea the other day so I'd like to thank them both" she says.

Joey nods his head and takes a bite out of his toast. "After breakfast we'll get ready then head out" he says "I'll let Seto know we're going to be taking one of the limos to pick everyone up"

Sakura nods again and her phone buzzes notifying her about an incoming flight. She looks down at it to see who it was from and froze a second before turning it off.

Joey looks at her with concern. "Everything ok?" He asks knowing the answer but wanted her to say something.

She tensed up slightly then just waves it off. "Yeah everything is fine don't worry" she then stands up and puts her mug in the sink. "I'm going to go get ready" then she disappears from the kitchen not giving Joey a second glance.

Joey sighs as he looks where sakura disappeared to. I'll ask Seto so have some guards nearby while we're out.

He then gets up and heads upstairs to look for the blue eyed brunette.

Joey pov

I made my way upstairs and down the hall to the office, which was the first place I knew my boyfriend could be, and I knocked on the door before walking in.

As usual blue eyes was behind his desk and was typing away doing what a CEO does

He looks up as I walk in and stops working to focus on me.

"You ok puppy?" He asked "you seem lost in thought"

I shake my head slightly. "Nah I'm good" I said "I just wanted to let you know that we'll need to borrow one of the limo's to pick up yuugi and the others"

"That's no problem" said Seto. "You need anything before you guys head out?"

"There is one thing" I replied "do you mind sparing a few guards to watch us while we're out? I'm worried about Sakura and Ik she was getting more messages earlier but she refused to say anything"

"Absolutely" said Seto turning a bit more serious. "I planned on sending some regardless"

I wrap my arms around his torso and put my forehead on his shoulder. "You sure you can't come with?" I asked. I had asked him last night but he said he had a few things to finish up with work.

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