Chapter 22

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Days pass and there have been no other incidents with Tea, in fact she hasn't even been at school.

Sakura and the rest of the gang had decided to walk home today but stopped at the park to do some homework together.

Seto had left after class was over to take care of some whines at Kaiba corp. letting sakura and Joey that he'll be home late tonight.

The group were all doing their own subjects except for yuugi, Joey and sakura who were all working on the same topic.... Math.

"I seriously do t know why we have ta Learn all dis" said Joey as he scratches his hair in frustration.

Sakura giggles and pats his back. "I'm sure the teachers have their own reasons for torturing us"

Yami looks up from his work. "Do you all need some help?" He asks scooting next to Sakura to look at the work. "It looks pretty simple to me"

Joey points at him accusingly "oh really smart guy? Why don't you explain it then"

Yami chuckles and grabs his pen "so what you gotta do is subtract this from that then divide it by the other number over here then you have your answer.

The three look at him in shock. "It was that simple" they all said

"I think math was created to make us all look stupid" said yuugi as he easily does the next problem "just over complicates everything"

Every one agrees and they continue with their work.

As they continued the sound of the ice cream cart quickly draws sakuras attention.

"Ice cream sounds good right now" she says standing up. "Does anyone want anything?"

Everyone raises their hand so she writes everyone's order down. "I'll be right back guys" she says as she turns around to leave.

"I'll come help you" said Yami getting up to join her.

She smiles widely and nods. She's been wanting to spend some time with Yami.

They walk towards the cart.

"How have you been?" Asks Yami, glancing down at her.

"I've been good" sakura replied "my nightmares are getting less and less frequent and I haven had anymore issues at school"

Yami nod's thoughtfully. "I noticed you've been more energetic the last few weeks, I'm glad your starting to feel better"

"Me too, I'm still worried about tea but I'm glad I've been okay lately" she looks down at the ground. "I've always been the one that's needing constant supervision due to the state of mind my head was in"

Yami places a hand on her shoulder making her look at him. "Nobody blames you for the state of your wellbeing" he says "if anything helping you has brought this group of friends closer"

Sakura smiles softly and placed her had on the one on her shoulder. "Thank you Yami" she says "that means a lot"

They get then get to the ice cream cart and grab everybody's food and turn to head back.

"Sakura" said Yami nervously

She looks back at him in concern. "Yeah Yami? Is everything okay?"

Y-yeah I was just wondering if you would like to go out on a date with me?" He asks his cheeks getting a small blush on them.


I just stare at Yami as the question he asks reels repeatedly in my head.

A date? With me?

My heart swelled and I give him a huge smile.

"I would love to go on a date with you"

He looks at me in for a second in surprise then he too gives off a big smile.

"Saturday at 5?"

"Sounds good to me"

We then get back to the group and hand everyone their ice cream.

"What took you guys so long?" Asked Tristen as he takes a lick of his sweet treat.

Me and Yami exchange glances and smirk.

"It's nothing we were just talking"

Joey looks at the two of us curiously then directly at me.

I just sit next to him mouthing 'later' to him meaning I'll tell him when we get back home.

The topic is now changed and  they all start just talking amongst themselves while my thoughts drift back to Yami and I find myself smiling.

I can't wait for Saturday

A New Life (YamixOC and SetoxJoey)Where stories live. Discover now