Chapter 11

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The three were sleeping soundly with Sakura lying safely between the two males.

There was a small knock on the bedroom door.

Mokuba slowly enters the room unaware of the group sleeping. "Seto are y-" he stops when he sees his big brother, Joey and Sakura sleeping peacefully on the large bed.

He smiles softly. 'Should I wake them for school or not?'

His thoughts are interrupted when Seto's phone begins to ring making the older kaiba groan in annoyance.

Mokuba watches as his brother groggily reaches to the table next to the bead and picks up the annoying object.

"What?" He growls. "Figure it out, I'll see what I can do from here" then he hangs up the phone and groans.

"Good morning big brother" said Mokuba with a smile.

Seto jumps slightly and looks over at his brother. "Mokuba" he says in confusion "what are you doing in here?"

"I came to wake you up for school but your phone beat me to it"

"What time is it?"

"About 6:30 ish"

"Okay, thank you Mokuba"

The younger kaiba smiles and walks away to leave before turning back around. "Is Sakura going to school as well?"

Seto looks down at the black haired girl. "That's up to her" he replied "and if she does , we'll take care of her"

"I don't doubt that" said Mokuba before leaving the room to get ready for school himself.

After he left Seto lets out a sigh and looks down at Joey and Sakura who were holding onto each other in their sleep, making him smile.

'I'd let them sleep but we're gonna be late'

He reaches over and gently nudges Joey.

"Puppy" he said "it's time to get up for school"

Joey stirs a bit. "I don't wanna" he mumbled.

"You have to get up or we'll be late"

"Don't care"

Seto sighs and tries waking up Sakura by gently shaking her.

Sakura's eyes quickly fly open and sits up. she looks around the room anxiously before looking over at Seto.

"Sorry" he said " I didn't mean to scare you"

"It's okay" replied Sakura "I'll get better, I just need to get used to living like an actual person again."

Seto nods. "Joey and I have school today, would you like us to enroll you so you can go to school too?"

"I would like to, but there will be a lot of people " said Sakura who was rubbing her arm in shame.

He looks at her. "You won't have to worry about that" he says. "I can make sure that you have classes with me and joey and we'll protect you."

Sakura lifts her head up to look at him and hugs him with a smile.

"I'll give it a shot" she says. "But I don't have anything for school"

A New Life (YamixOC and SetoxJoey)Where stories live. Discover now