Chapter 1: New Girl in Town

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"Rachael come back." They yelled. I kept running from the homeless shelter knowing that they would find out in a day, maybe even less. I had to leave or they would've killed them just to get a location on me. I ran away from New York, not from my parents but from a military branch, I don't even know how my parents are holding up.

I kept running through the woods until no one could followed me. The hot evening sun beat down on me. Once knew no one followed me anymore, I found a clearing, sat down to catch my breath, and looked up at the sky thinking I want this to end. I stood up and unzipped my backpack to make sure I had everything, "This should last me a few days." I zipped the bag, walked into the middle of the clearing, and looked up at the sky again. I unfolded I wings and flew off. Soon, I was already across Utah and was over Nevada, and it was nine at night and I didn't like to fly at night. What I didn't realize that I landed in front of a girl.

The girl pulled out her phone and took a picture.

"No stop!" I screamed.

The girl looked up at me "Give me one good reason."

I took a breath "I'll explain everything, but I need a drink want to come with me?"

"Sure!" The girl replied. We walked into a small restaurant and ordered drinks, then took a seat in the booths. "First things first explanations."

"The reason why I don't want you to post that picture is that the Military Branch can mix D.N.A of other animals into humans, I was one of the lucky ones."

The girl looked at her with confusion "The lucky one?"

"I was able to stay alive after the experiment. As you can tell, I'm half falcon."

"Who...why would they do this?"

"I don't know, maybe for super soldiers, or maybe live weapons, but if you post that picture, this whole town will maybe get hurt or worse." The girl gave in, pulled out her phone and deleted the photo. I told her more about me.

The waiter came to our table with our glass of waters and smiled "Enjoy!"

"Thank you," I responded, then turned to the girl "Anyway what's your name anyway?"

"Miko, and you are?"

"Rachael, if it's alright, can I stay with you? I got nowhere else to crash."

"Yeah! We can have a sleep over!" Miko and I finished the drinks and left to go to her house.

When we got to Miko's house, which looked ordinary on the outside with flowers and decorations, it was very late. We walked inside. Her parents were in their living room waiting for her to come through the door. They looked furious. The inside was warm and cozy. A long grey couch, a flat screen T.V. and long steep stairs were by the entrance.

"Where have you been?" Her dad shouted at her.

Miko couldn't think of anything, but I did, so I started to tell them "I'm sorry ma'am, but it wasn't her fault. It was mine. See, I'm new to the town and she was showing me around. Please don't yell at her."

Her mom and dad looked at me and so did Miko. Their faces weren't as mad as it had looked when we arrived

"Sorry Miko. You should have told us earlier," Her mom soothed then looked at me "now what is your mom's phone number so she can pick you up and take you home?"

"Well, my mom died, my dad became drunk after her death and he began to hurt me. So, I left and have been on the run ever since." I put my head down to make the lie more believable.

"Oh, okay then. Girls, how about you go to Miko's room while we talk."

Miko was about to protest but I snatched her arm and left the room.

Her room was of many colors. The curtain was shaded, her bed was small, and her carpet was shaggy. Miko looked at me and said "Dude, your so good at lying that I almost believed you!"

"Almost?" I looked at her.

"You told me your back story."

"Oh yeah, sorry. I have a really bad memory."

Miko went to her mirror and looked at her hair "Aww the pink is fading again." She looked over at me and put an evil simile on her face. "What colors do you want?" She asked, holding up a bucket with some color dye.

I thought about it for a minute and made my choice. I smiled back and whispered "Red on the top and blue on the bottom."

I sat on a chair and Miko did my hair colors, I helped with hers. After, we went down to the bathroom to wash the extra hair dye out. I had red on the top, blue on the bottom, with a little purple in the middle.After that, they went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Moments later, her parents trotted in and chorused "We are going to let you stay with us in Jasper, Rachael."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes we are. Now tomorrow, you are going to school with Miko and we will get you some more clothes after you get back. Hurry and get something to eat, then you two are going to bed." Her mom said.

I didn't know where I was going to sleep so I asked. "Where can I sleep?"

Miko's dad turned around before heading to their room and pointed "You will sleep in the spare room, now off to bed both of you."

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