Chapter 2: School

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That night, Miko and I went to bed after they ate. Miko gave me a T-shirt and pj shorts to sleep in. I stared at the ceiling thinking of a plan; to stay and have a normal life. With my thoughts still going, I fell asleep.

The next day, Miko had to wake me up to go to school.

"Rachael get up we need to go to school."

I didn't move a muscle.

"Don't make me do this." After shaking me, Miko gave up and went to grab a pillow from her room and started to hit me as hard as she could. 

 "I'm up! I'm up Miko, and by the way, I've been up for the past 15 minutes." I put a smirk on her face.

Miko was already to go, I was still getting ready, so Miko went to eat breakfast. When she was done, so was I. I was wearing black boots, with red pants and a white blouse with a blue jacket over it, it look nice with my hair.

Miko's mom came from her room. "You girls ready to go?"

" Yeah lets go" Miko said still sounding tired.

We parked in the front, got out of the car, and went up the stairs into the building. I started to breath hard, I had never been to a school before so I was really nervous. I learned everything when I was an experiment, well fighting.

Everybody was looking at me and whispering about something, I also had really good hearing, so I tried to listen.

"Who is she and what is she doing here?"

I ignored them and kept walking next to Miko. We walked to our lockers and got all our stuff for our first class, but some boys came walking down the hall stopped right in front of us.

"Who's your new friend Miko, oh wait you don't have any friends!" They started to laugh.

Miko started to yell at a boy "Vince you and your friends need to walk away and leave her and me alone!"

"Your not the boss of me." Vince sassed and pushed Miko into a locker.

"Leave her alone you JERK FACE!" I shouted at the bully.

Everybody stopped to see what was wrong, they circled me and Vince.

"You just think that you can hurt people? Maybe you bully people so that no one can mess with you well that is going to end." I said, the Vince became furious and punched me.

"NO!" Miko yelled, Vince's group was holding her back. The punch didn't hit me, I caught his fist before it hit my face.

"I'm going to say this once and only once; pick your battles carefully because if you hurt anyone again I'm coming after you." I whispered and let go of his hand. "Now LEAVE!"

The boys let go of Miko and left with him, everyone was still looking at me, the bell rang and everybody went to class. Soon, The luch bell rang and Miko and I went into the lunch room and everybody started to clap, some boy ran up to me.

"Someone finally showed that bully a thing or two." He patted me on the back. I was surprised that no one would stand up to Vince.

Miko and I got our lunch and went outside to eat. I really wanted to drop everything and fly, forget the Military and now the school work. We ate and went back inside, everyone was quiet. Vince walked in and saw me, then he walked up to me.

"In front of the school and lets see what you got."

He let go of me and left with his group. I wanted to and yell "How about now" but Miko stopped me and we left the lunch room. The final bell rang Miko and I sat on the stairs, she saw a motorcycle and started to draw it. The person who owned it got on and drove off. No one came through the door.

"Aw." Miko got up and ran after it to finish her drawing. The motorcycle turned into a ally way and I heard two voices.

"That is why Optimus Prime has requested your presence." One of them said.

Miko and I saw a female robot. She whispered "Dude...go with!"

The female robot saw me and her like we weren't supposed to see anything, she started to say "Scrap, Bumble bee I need you to come back!"

A few mintues later a yellow and black stripped Camero pulled up and opended a door. I looked back at the robot.

"get in"

I got into the muscle car. I was tall enough to sit in the passenger seat, the door shut and drove off. We left the town lines and kept going for a few miles driving until we got to an intercession, they didn't turn. The Camero kept going into a cliff, a door opened that lead into a huge room.




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