Battle of Darkness part 2

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                                                                                               Rachael P.O.V

We bridged back and Ratchet looked down at us, our heads went down but mine was the first to come back up.

"Do we have a plan B?" I ask.

"No we do not have a plan B" Ratchet said sound angry by the minute.

We heard shooting in the backround and then it was silent, a few minutes later Optimus spoke.

"Ratchet theirs only one way to stop Megatron, We need to blow the bridge theirs enough energon coursing through it to achieve detonation."

"Optimus are you sure the bridge is our only hope of ever returning home."

"Yes I'm sure, Do you know how we can do it?"

"If I knew how the Space Bridge worked I could help."

Raf walked up pulling the hard-drive out of his backpack.

"Will schematics help?" Raf said, Ratchet looked down at him.

"So our mission wasn't a total fail?" I said trying not to laugh, besides how can I laugh right now?

"Let us light our darkest hour!"

They started going through the drive seeing on where we can do some damage, I just stood there thinking of Optimus hoping him and his team will come home. Safe.

                                                                                    Optimus P.O.V

We have our plan I would distract Magatron will the others go and destroy the bridge. I turned and saw Megatron flying straight  towards me, he landed and transformed.

"Optimus your Autobots know when to retreat!"

"I have faith they will continue on, but I may aid them but stopping it's directive by removing it's head."

I got my swords out.

"Oh really cause I'm fused with their very might!"

"One shall stand and One shall fall."

(by the way that is probably the greatest line ever!!!)

"Yes it will be you Optimus Prime!"

The battle started with the army getting closer by the second.

We kept fighting more and more, I started losing with him punching my stomach. breaking my sword. Being thrown across the bridge.

Megatron was above with his sword about to come down to my neck.

"Rachael I'm sorry for not keeping my promise." I thought to myself

"Ah Master." I heard Starscream in his comlink.

"What is it!"

"I don't wish to question, but the Autobots are up to something."

Megatron looked at me.

"Misdirection, you would've made a fine Decepticon."

His sword came down, but I blocked  it.

"I choose my side."

I punched him a few times but he transformed and flew off.

                                                                                                           Arcee P.O.V

We ran to the control and I followed Ratchet instructions.

"Now follow the flow regulator their should be a pove." Rachet said.

My optics followed and I saw it.

"I see it."

I pressed a button and the switch came up, I turned the switch.

"Current reversed."

I heard jet engines and looked up to see Megatron flying right us, he started shooting. I saw black seconds later.

                                                                                               Rachael P.O.V

It was silent, really quiet and it was bugging the heck out of me.

"Ratchet we need a bridge."

While Ratchet was getting the bridge set up, Miko, Jack, Raf and I walked over to the ledge closer to the bridge.

Raf looked at Ratchet.

"Do you think their?" He didn't want to finish the sentence.

He checked his life signature thing, What I don't know what is called.

"4 life signals." His eyes went wide just a little bit.

"One signal very weak."

We all looked at each other wondering who it was.

I heard someone come through and it was Optimus

"OPTIMUS!" I yelled

I jumped over the rail and I grew like I did on the warship, but this time it felt different.I hugged him and he hugged me back.I looked over at the bridge and saw Bulk come through, Miko ran to him. Bee came through but he was holding Arcee, I looked down at Jack. He walked up to her and laid his hand on hers.

"Arcee." His head went down.

"Jack their are other motorcycles out their."

"But your my first."

Bee but Arcee back on the ground, Ratchet kept looking at me.

"What about Megatron?" Ratchet asked.

"Not even he could've survived ground zero."

Ratchet walked up to me, grabbed my wrist and dragged  to the medbay.

"Ahh Ratchet what are you doing?"

"Giving you a check up and to see how you did that?"

"Do what?"

"Look down."

I rolled my eyes, but I did. I didn't see human flesh or my shoes. I saw a Cybertroian, well me.


Well theirs the chapter I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while i have been really busy, and with Christmas coming up.  ugghhhhhhh anyway I need you to Vote and Comment and for those giving me advice I thank you. anyway  have a good day or night my readers.








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