We get teleported to the shadow realm

445 13 3

I woke up, seeing Optimus fill out a field report for Fowler. Slowly sitting up, Optimus looks at me.

"How are you feeling?" He asks

"I'm better now. Thank you."

Optimus kissed my forehead, his hands resting on my cheeks.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

He puts his forehead on mine, he kisses me again.

"You slept a whole day. It's best you go see Ratchet for a check up."

I nod, stretching my arms, groaning as the stiffness leaves my body.

"I need to finish this report, then I'll meet you out there."

"Megatron knows about me now. So…how long can I hide from the Government?"

"That is something I'm leaving out until we get Fowler's opinion."

I nod, sighing.

"I knew the secret wouldn't be kept hidden forever…but to have him find out like that…in my own head…its…disturbing."

"I'm sorry My Angel, I wish I can ease that burden and take it away…to have you go through that to get the cure."

"Optimus, it's okay. I would do it all over again in a heart beat. It just….leaves a chill down the spine." I reassured him.

Optimus nods, kissing the top of my head.

"Go see Ratchet, maybe he has advice or something to help you." Optimus smiles.

I nod getting up, and leaving his room.

The walk was…making me nervous, it still felt like he would posse my body. Afraid I would hurt something or someone all over again. Though hearing noise in the main room, pushed that feeling away.

I walked over to Ratchet, smiling.

"Look who's finally awake." The medic teases.

"Yeah, yeah. Come one Optimus said I needed one more check up from you."

"Right he is, come on. The faster we start the faster we finish."

I nod, starting the check up. Checking my systems, energon levels, any left over traces of dark energon. Optimus walked in, a bit later. Being protective as ever, standing nearby. Out of Ratchets way, but still able to listen.

Everyone was here, bots and humans alike. Ratchet finished my check up, everything was good and functional.

"Thank you Ratchet." I smiled

"Any time Rachael." He smiled back.

I look to see the other three, shifting to my human form. Landing next to the couch, Optimus and Ratchet talking amongst themselves.

"Rachael!" Miko runs over to me, giving a hug.

"Hi!" I laughed as I hugged her back.

"I feel like i don't see you any more!"

"It's been a day."

"Yeah. Boss bot taking all of your time." Miko pouts

I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"I'll come home tonight, promise."

With the satisfaction of my promise she goes back to the chair, and her sketchbook. I walked to Raf and Jack.

"Oh Rachael, here." Raf reaches into his bag handing me multiple papers.

"Is this?"

"All the homework you've missed being bot goddess yes." Jack chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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