Chapter 13

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A/N well I know these past few movies have been not so great but look what I found some characters that may or may not be in but 2 have to be in * cough cough blurr cough Blitwing cough oh well enjoy the chapter and sorry for the late update

I woke up with a smile on my face, did it ever come off in the night? I got dressed in skinney jeans, black knee high boots and a blue leather jacket with a gray tank-top. I went downstairs and saw my parents eat breakfast, while I got an apple.

"Well someone is in a good mood today." I heard
"And right you are" I replied

Miko came running down grabbing a banana and me then we were out the door. I didn't see Optimus, why world why! Me and Miko of into Bulkhead.

" hey Bulk where's Optimus?"
"He got called to base don't worry he'll get you after school"
"When are we going to tell him about my powers"
We pulled up into the school and got out, I waved back to Bulkhead.
I saw Jack and Raf so I walled over to them.
"Hey guys how's it going?" I asked
"Its been good but I left the Autobots" I slap him in the arm.
"Ow!, dude what was that for!"
"For leaving the Autobots their amazing!"

"Who's amazing??" I turned around and saw Vince and his goons.
" not you that's for sure" I said I heard Jack and RAF trying to hold back their laugh.
I saw Vince hands turn into fists.
"I guess your not used to people standing up to you are you?"
"Fine let's take this outside!" He yelled
"No let's have a compatetion the talent show is coming up so who ever wins I don't know"
"Alright fine!"
The bell rang for class and so I went but after a few minutes a left to go into my head to daydream.
"Rachael!" The teacher yelled.
"Yes sir"
"Please stay in the real world"
"Sometimes the real world sucks" I whispered
The teacher turned back around, what I'd do right now for a flight. I looked at the clock I still had a few hours to go.
Optimus Prime P.O.V
I had to leave Rachael and go back to base, because Ratchet has discovered something about the picture Miko took while on the the warship. My thoughts slowly kept going to last night on the way there. I was about to kiss her, the thought made me happy.
I pulled up into the base
"What's wrong Ratchet?" I asked him
"These are engeering specs for a space time vortex."
"Megatron is looking to build a space bridge."
I said reading the info on the computer.
"Well he's going to have to break a few toaster ovens where on Earth is he going to get that many fallen warriors?"
There was one place in the universe with that many.
"But what about the descendent of Primus?, Do you think Megatron could be lieing?"
"I don't think so"

Ohhhh cliffhanger I want to say sorry for no updating I have been at camp and vote if you like the video

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