Chapter 19

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I woke up in my bed at Miko's house with her shaking me.

"Rachael wake up"

"Miko it's to early" I whine

"It's almost noon come on we got to go to base."

"Alright let me get dressed"

"Grumpy." Miko said walking out.

"I'm not a morning person!" I yell

I got up and stretched, walking to my dresser getting dress in shorts, tank top and put my high tops on. I walk down stairs seeing my parents at the table.

"Afternoon Rachael." Mom greeted


Dad looked up from his newspaper and I grabbed a apple.

"So who was that boy?" He asked.

I froze and glanced and Miko seeing her mouth Optimus, I took a deep breath.

"He's one of my friends from school."

"Alright. Why were you asleep in his arms when he knocked on the door?"

I has excuses running through my head.

"He and several other friends of Miko and I are also transfer students, We're helping them learn more about America watching movies. I must've fallen asleep, don't worry he was being a gentlemen."

"How kind of you Rachael, Miko." Mom said getting up and giving us hugs.

I looked at Miko watching her release the breath she was holding. It wasn't a lie, well part of it. We still need to teach the Autobots about Earth.

"Does this gentlemen have a name?" Mom questioned.

"Uhhhhh Orion"

It was the only O name I could think of.

"Hmmm you found good friends Rachael."

We heard honking both Miko and I smiled knowing exactly who it is.

"Speaking of friends their here. We planned to help more on the weekends.

"Be home before 11!"

They called out cause we were running.

"We will!"

We walk outside only to see Bulkhead, we climbed in.

"Hey Bulk! Where's Optimus?" I ask getting in the passenger seat.

"He and Arcee are prepping for a artic misson."


We soon started driving to base Bumblebee following us. We got to the base seeing Optimus and Arcee about to leave. I quickly flew to him getting out of Bulk.

"Hey Optimus."

"Hello Rachael."

"So your going to the artic?"

"Yes to some clues about the cybertroain pod we found."

"Alright. Be careful will you?"

"I will my Angel."

I felt my cheeks heat up, the Prime got me to blush. Optimus rubbed his finger on my head, I smiled and grabbed it.

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