Warship part 3

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A/n: Hey so this is a picture of Rachael if you had a hard time picturing her.

Rachael P.O.V

I saw Optimus and Ratchet go though the ground bridge. I'm already missing him, wait what was I thinking.

Arcee looked bored already.

"I'm going on patrol." She said.

"But Optimus told us to stay." Bulkhead told Arcee.

"When your in charge you can call the shots, Bee with the me!"

"Virrrrrrrrr" but I swear he just said ughhhhhhh.

I'll have to talk to Ratchet when he and Optimus get back from their mission. Bee and Arcee left and Bulkhead turned around and faced us.

"So what's on the activity list?"

Miko plugged her guitar and it freaking hurt I have better hearing then most humans.

"How about band practice! "

"Bit we're not a band Miko." I told her.

"Quite being antisocial Rachael what do you play?" I rolled my eyes

"Fine I can play the bass guitar and sing." She walked away to Raf.

"So what about you what can you play?" He picked up his laptop.

"Uhh keyboard."

"Alright, Jack what about you."

" I sometimes mess on the harmonica"

I laughed and Miko got up in his face.

"Does it look like I do country to you."

"This is slash monkey listen to it its awesomeness" she started playing and it hurt then the proximity alarm went off again and it was Fowler, I looked at Bulkhead.

" Quick hide" he told us. We went behind Bulks foot and Miko guitar was still plugged in.

"PRIME!" He saw Bulkhead

"Wheres prime?"

" He's not here no one here well except for me of course."

" Wait don't tell me he's out pancaking a mini-mall is he."

That ticked me off I was about to go and slap him but jack was holding me back.

" Well tell him that blowing a hole in the middle of Nebraska is not handling it under the radar."
He came down the stairs and bulk moved just a little bit to keep us hidden and the cord was yanking Miko. Agent Fowler saw the cord and Raf's laptop.

"Since when are you bots electric?"

We got caught and came out from behind Bulkhead.

"Contact with cilivans team Prime has really done it this time you 4 are coming with me but for your own protection"

Bulkhead put his foot in front of us.

" We're protecting them!" he said with a strong voice.

" Well tell that to my superiors at the pentagon." I got really nervous because I didn't want to leave Optimus or any of the bots. I opened my wings and launched my self at the telephone and I broke it when my wings were metal.

" I'm sorry what were you doing?"

He looked at me with fear.

" This isn't over not by a long shot!"Miko was mocking him

" OH boy."

" calm down Bulkhead the worst he could do is take me away from you guys and get experimented on, but that will never happen."

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