Chapter 18

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   "Something isn't right." Bumblebee said.

Optimus looked around

"Your right stay here and await my command."

Bumblebee and I hide behind a wall watching him, we saw three cons. Two jet type and one without a face.

"Skyquake it has been awhile." Optimus spoke letting them know of his presents

The green jet turned around and glared at him.

"Prime Megatron gave me orders to kill  you!" Skyquake yelled

"That was a long time ago, this is a new era on another world." Optimus turned to the gray skinny one with heels.

"Starscream if you want to be a true leader then stray from Megatron path and lead the Decpticons toward peace."

"I would if you would be willing to bow down for me Optimus Prime." Starscream demanded.

I growled and started to move, but Bee stopped me.

"Don't move not yet."

"Bow to this!" Skyquake threw his arm around hitting Starscream making him flying without transforming.

Skyquake then grabbed his sentry gun and started firing at Optimus, the bullets didn't do much damage it did push him back though. Skyquake charged and punched him into a wall. Bumblebee got his weapons out and started attacking, I did the samething.

"Bumblebee....fall back!"

We didn't listen Bee jumped into the air and fired but he was caught and thrown, he wanted to say my real name but that would put me in danger.

"Leave them alone!" I yelled attacking and cut Skyquake on his face.

"You think you can beat me!"

He punched me, i fell to the ground the getting up and running at him punching him back. Optimus and Bee ran to my side.

"Skyquake has not yet required a vehicle mode." Optimus whispered.

   We all got the same idea and transformed driving backwards, using the advantage.

"So time has made you a coward Prime."

We drove away and split up, I went with Optimus.

"We need to come up a name for me when we get back to base." I mentioned

"Yes we do."

We drove and saw Skyquake follow Bee, we turned and drove behind him. Skyquake heard and tried shooting again but it didnt affect him. Optimus transformed and punched him into the wall.

"Excellent strategy Bumblebee." Optimus exclaimed

Skyquake stood up and slashed at Optimus, but it was weak.

"Skyquake stay down!" He punched Skyquake again.

I heard something in the distance and saw a jet, Skyquake also did cause he started scanning. Optimus warned Agent Fowler but it was too late. Skyquake stood up and transformed flying into the air. I was about to follow but Optimus stopped me.

"The Cons can not know about your wings."

I sighed knowing he was right.

"Superiority achieved!" Skyquake stated not that anyway cared in the first place.

HE turned around and started firing, i got in front of them and put up a sheild. Once he was done we transformed and drove, while bullets were behind us. Fowler also attacked Skyquake, but he soon fired missles and Fowler had to go deal with them. Skyquake attention soon cam back on us and he kept firing his missles. One hit Prime and he stopped transforming. Bumblebee and I are still going, he finds a road and goes up and jumps on Skyquake. I transformed, Optimus ran next to me.

"Bumblebee!" I yelled

Skyquake crashed into the wall and tried to get him off but it didn't work, they soon got higher and higher in the air.

"Optimus let me up there!"

"Go and Agent Fowler will help you!"

I ran taking off into the air and followed them.

"Bee hang on!"

Bee punched through the metal and ripped out wires, they started diving. I twisted my body and dived behind them. I lined up with them.

"Oh scrap" Bee said.

"Grab my hand!' I yelled.

Bee jumped, grabbing my hand and I threw him over to Fowler and landed on the cliff above where Skyquake twisted body crashed. Optimus drove up.

"If Skyquake strayed from his masters path we might not be burying him today."

I looked at Skyquake, but then got the feeling we were watched. I turned around but didn't see anything. We buried Skyquake and went back to base, Bee went to the medbay.

"Bumblebee it was not wise to risk yourself, but you performed admirably."

  We heard beeps and honks signaling that Arcee and Bulk returing. Ratchet got happy whichs scares me. I stood next to Optimus.

"Well how were my...uh our projects?" Ratchet asked.

The kids looked at each other and explained how they failed.

"Well you would've won the highest honor!" Ratchet said, mumbling to himself walking away.

"The kids should not have let Ratchet help with the projects." Bee stated.

"Yes it would've been wise if they strayed from him."

 I laughed, smiling knowing the day ended well.

Hours went by and I was feeling cooped up in the base, I couldnt find Optimus so i walked to Raf.

"If Prime wonders where i am, Im on the roof."


I walked to the elevator and went in then up. Once I was outside I instantly felt the wind against me. The sun was setting, half the sky light and dark. Excitement flowed through me and i ran, jumping off. I unfold my wings and went to the sky, doing tricks and flips. I would keep the base in my eye sight. I watch the sun set then turn back and see Prime on the roof, I smile and flew to him.

"You shouldn't be up here alone." Optimus spoke.

"I'm not now."

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah, I just needed a small flight is all."

 I felt his arm go around my waist and he pulled me to him.

"You should at least tell me so I can make sure."

"is their a reason why?" I asked putting my arms around his neck.

"Because I love you and I want to keep you safe."

"Amazing answer."

He kissed me, since I was a little short he picked me up.


"..uh.....shut up."

He smiled and pecked my lips, i hid my face in his neck.

"You should go inside and get some rest you've had quite a day."

"I'm not tired yet so instead of sleep let's just stay out here."


Optimus sat down and pulled me to his lap. We sat there watching the sunset and soon the stars.

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