Chapter 16

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I woke up the next day laying on the metal bed, I slowly sat up and looked around not seeing Optimus. I transformed into my Cyber form and walked out of the room, I still haven't gotten used to the new feet and I fell...... on my face.

Footsteps were coming from behind me.

"Rachael are you ok?" it was Bulkhead.

"Yeah I'm fine, just not used to the feet."

He helped me up.

"Alright come on."

We headed to the main room, he stayed with me in case I fell again which didn't happen. We got there and saw what usually goes on here, Kids were playing video games and Bee was watching, Ratchet of course was working on the computer.

"Where's Prime and Arcee?" I asked

"Out scouting for energon." Rachet replied not looking away from the computer.


I walked over to where the others were and saw the race.

"Hey Miko, Jack,Raf."

"Hey Rachael." Miko replied the boys were racing and Raf won again I think.

"Rachael!" Rachet yelled.

"Scrap, What ever happened I didn't do it." I said.

"What you didn't do anything, I just to give you a check up."

We walked to the med bay and he pointed to the metal bed.

"Sit there." He ordered.

I sat down not knowing how long this was going to take.

Time skip brought to you by Primus-----------------------------

3 hours later!!!!!

I'm still here and it's killing me.

"Ratchet are we done?" I complain for the 20th time.

"Yes, but something doesn't make sense." He said looking down at a tablet.

"Let me see."

He handed it to me and it looked familiar.

"It's on my back, they're my wings."

He went behind me and looked at my back.

"I don't see them."

"Hang on."

I closed my eyes and started unfolding my wings almost all the way like when I was a human.

"Rachael stop!"

I opened my eyes and saw my wings and was almost going to break Ratchet's toys. Everyone was looking at me their eyes as wide as they could go.

"Hey Ratchet now can we be done?"

"What? Oh yes you can go."

I looked at everyone.

"Who wants to go to the roof?" I asked.

Let's say all of them wanted to go, Arcee commed in.

"Arcee to base I need to back up."

Bulk and Bee started heading for the bridge, Ratchet walking over to the controls. He turned it on and they went through I was about to follow but Ratchet closed the bridge.


"No, you need to train." He said.

I really didn't, I was a weapon to M.E.C.H so they got me the best of the best to train me. I think his name was Oroku Saki, but he told me to call him the Shedder. I wonder what happened to him. A few minutes later they came back, Optimus had his trailer with him. They stopped and transformed, i went to the back and opened it and a cube of energon fell on me.

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