Confronting Our Feelings

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     We stared at each other, I have an understanding of what I am to Optimus. Though I want to hear it from him. He takes a seat next to me, putting his hand on top of mine.

          "Rachael, I...I feel great joy and happiness with you. I know I don't convey my feelings well. There are also times when I just want them to take control, times like this when I just.." Optimus pulls me from my spot and into his lap, resting his head on my shoulder.

     I froze, placing my hands on top of his. I just leaned into him, feeling so natural.

          "Optimus..." I sighed, my body relaxing.

     His hold tightens as I said his name, looking at him. I could feel that he was truly at peace. He wasn't..tense as he was in the base. He doesn't have to be the leader of the Autobots, he doesn't have to be a Prime. Right now he was just Optimus. My...Partner.

          "Hey remember that term I told you about, the earth term as boyfriend.?"

          "I remember."

          "I..I want you to be that, I want you to be my partner. The one that would care for me....And I want to be there for you, I want to help carry the burden you have. I don't want you to be alone either." I say, hinting at our previous conversation.

          "Rachael, I will become yours. If you promise to stay mine."

          "Of course Optimus." I giggled, resting a hand against his face.

     We sat in silence, as I brushed my fingers against the back of his hand. The joy over taking me as I laugh. Like a cliche girl from those cheesy movies, I squealed as I wrap my arms around his one. I heard him chuckle.

          "You are quite..adorable." He compliments

     I started blushing, hard. Looking at Optimus, he had a smile on his face. A small one, though it was there. Emotions taking over yet again, I tackled him in a hug. The force knocking us both down. I held him tight, his hands resting on my back.

     Basically straddling the bot at this point, his hands moving up my back and reaching my face. His thumb grazing against my face.

          "My Angel." His nickname for me, I will never get used to it.

          "Oh for the love of gods, just kiss me Optimus Prime."

          "As you wish." he leans forward enough to finish my request.

     He want gentle, and careful. Almost as if he was kissing my human form, afraid to squish me. I kissed back, with a little more force to show that he didn't have to be so gentle. He responds with the same force. We pulled away and just didn't move, how could I move after having a kiss like that.

          "Rachael, I need to take you home."

          "oh....I uh yeah. Sure." I quickly get off of him embarrassed.

          "No need to be so quick, Rachael." Optimus smirked, teasing me.

     My mouth opens in surprise, the bot is teasing me. I took a deep breath, but this metal form betrays me as fans start kicking to cool me off. Optimus smirk, coming off a bit more.

          "I?! Let's get going!" I change into human form, with my arms folded. My face is red and steaming.

     Optimus transforms, his door opening. I quickly hop in, getting my seatbelt on. He drives on to Jasper, I lean back in the seat, my fingers touching my lips. This smile just can't seem to leave my face. The exhaustion of the day gets to me, I slowly fall asleep.

Optimus P.O.V

     It seems that for the 2nd time, I would be carrying her into her home. I do not mind it, I've been hoping to do it again. I haven't told her yet, I don't know if I want or she'll become conscious about it. She couldn't let me go, she had such a tight grip. What concerns me, is it because of what she feels? Or is it because she hasn't felt safety in such a long time? Seeing Bulkhead parked in front of the home. I park across the street, My holoform activating, and taking her into arms. My new favorite thing to do in the whole world. Just to hold her.

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