Sickness and Health part 1

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"Optimus you've need to see this!" Ratchet calls out 

"What is it Ratchet?" Optimus and the team gather at the computer.

"I've seem to have located the Nemesis. " Ratchet faces the team 

"How did you get pass their cloaking technology?" Optimus questions.

"I didn't. I was moving through different frequencies. And happened upon it."

"The cons are vunerable." Arcee points out. 

"With Megatron gone. We can cause some real damage." Bulk pounds his fists together. 

"This would be a good time to see the limits of my powers! Optimus! We have to take this chance!" I get up from the couch

Optimus looks over everyone, it seems he agrees with us until another beacon goes off on the same screen. An Autobot one. 

"The Decepticons can wait Autobots may be in distress. Ratchet get your medical kit." Ratchet gets his kit, while Optimus got the bridge ready.

"Arcee you are in charge. We will return shortly." 

Optimus looks at me, a faint smile before going through with Ratchet.  Immediately I got a horrible feeling, something felt wrong. 

"Arcee? Is there any information we can get about the ship?"  

"I can try? You alright?" 

"Gut feeling, It just feels like something is wrong." 

"Nothing on file. I'm sure everything is fine. It's Optimus and Ratchet." 

I nod taking a deep breath, sitting down. My leg bouncing non stop.  I was calm until the call came.  

"I NEED BULKHEAD NOW!" Ratchet screamed over the comms. 

Arcee opened the bridge and Bulk runs through. They'll all come back, though Optimus looks very weak. 


"Hold her back! She comes no where near Optimus!" Ratchet gets him to the medbay. 

Miko, Jack, and Raf grabbed my arms. Keeping me in the human area. 

"Let me go! Optimus!" I cry out. 

"R...Rachael..." Optimus looked at me, something was very wrong. 

It almost looked like he had a black eye. Colors of purple, blue, and faded yellow. His eyes flickering.  

"I'm sorry!" I unfold my wings, scaring the three back. 

Taking off toward the medbay until Arcee grabbed me. 

"Let me go!" I cried

"Rachael hang on! Ratchet does this for a reason." Arcee holds me in a firm grip, not enough to hurt me. 

I stop fighting, fighting turning into fear. 

"Ratchet what's wrong?!" 

"I need time, but I need you away from him. I want all the kids to have some distance from them." Ratchet demands.

"Kids go to the cat walk above." Arcee orders, giving a firm stare. 

They all go to the elevator, going the next floor up. 

"Let me go...I'll go up." I ask. 

Arcee looks to Ratchet, and they both silently agree. Arcee opens her hand, I fly up. And sit down on catwalk above Optimus. 

We stared at each other in silence, almost telepathic. I could tell he doesn't want me to panic. I reach out to him, tears welling up. Optimus tried to reach for me, he just groaned in pain, his falling back down to his side. Silent tears go down my face, I wanted to keep my pain silent, Optimus needed everyone's attention.

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