Warship and Talent show part 2

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Author note: Hey guys this is going to be a long chapter so have fun reading comment and vote if you like and you will :D Also I'll be gone for a week on May 16.

After Optimus hugged me, we started heading to the base when my phone went off.

"Who's texting you?" Optimus asked me probably thinking it was Vince again.

"It's Miko, don't worry"

" Hey guess who I ship"

" Who Miko and just tell me because you ship everybody"

" Fine, you and Optimus"


"Because I saw you hug him this moring and he hugged you before you left"

" >:P I'm coming for you!"

"So you do like Optimus, I'm going to tell Bulkhead"


"alright I won't calm down"

We got to the base but no one else was here I guess they went to hang out some where else. I jumped out of Optimus transformed and he walked off. I flew up to the railing. I can't fly anywhere else in this town. I saw Ratchet working on the purple stuff that he found on Arcee.
"Hey Ratchet can I help with anything?"
"No" he snapped.
I walked over to the couch and started on homework. When I got done I got bored and walked over to Ratchet.
"That's strange" he said talking to himself.
"What Ratchet?"
"I never seen this before"
" that's bad right
"By the allspark!"
A metal spider jump a almost landed a Ratchet but I attacked it before it touched him. I thought of about sword and I saw my hand glow, with a sword in my hand. I turned my wings to metal for a shield.
" Come at me, I dare you."
It jumped at me but I doged it and cut one of legs off. It jumped to one of higher railings. I flew up to catch it but it was gone.
"Ratchet where is it?"
"Above you!"
I look up and it jumped on me. We crashed on the ground.
"Bring it!" I yelled. It got its blasters out.
"Are you serious!"
I charged but Optimus stepped and it got smashed. I hide the sword behind my back and turned my wings back to normal.
"Hey Optimus what's up" he raised his eyebrows at me.
"Rachael did you do this?"
"Maybe" he glared at me.
"Yeah I did." he got down on one knee.
"Can I see your sword?" My hands came out from my back but the sword was gone.
"That's weird" Optimus picked up the dead spider thingy and put it in a freeze container.
"Now what could've causes this " asked Ratchet.
"I have a theory, dark energon"
"Dark engon its supposedly nonexistent what is it doing on earth?"
"It was transported by Megatron."
"Wait is he big and silver and has purple on his gun thing that's on his arm?"
"Yes Rachael he is how do you know?" Ratchet asked me.
"Ughh the guy gets in my dreams." I told them.
I flew up to the railing. The other Autobots came in before they could finish talking.
Optimus turned around. "Autobots roll...." He looked at the humans that just got here.
"Stay here, Ratchet come with me and turn on the ground bridge."
"Optimus with all do respect playing bodyguard is one thing babysitting and besides Ratchet hasn't been in the field since the war."Arcee said putting up a argument.
"Right now its only renconasince."
"Then why do I hear a edge in your voice."
"Arcee much has changes in the last 24 hours and we need to adapt, Ratchet open the ground bridge."

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