Giant Robots

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The muscle car and the motorcycle started to slow down and they stopped. Raf and I got out of the muscle car and Jack got off the motorcycle, so did Miko. They both transformed. The white and orange one walked up.

"I thought there was two?"

"Haven't you heard, humans multiply." The blue and pink one said and walked off.

Miko mouth was wide open with all of this, she walked up to the green and bulky one when Raf tried to talk to her.

"My name is Rachael and that's Miko, she can get distracted very easily."

Miko kept asking questions to the green one but she was going to fast.

"I bet you a truck! A MONSTER TRUCK! By the way what's you name?"


The white and orange one is Ratchet, the blue and pink one is Arcee, the muscle car is Bumble bee. Something big was walking behind us I turned around to see a robot taller than the rest, his paint job like my hair red on top and blue on the bottem.

"So if your robots, who built you?"

"please" Ratchet said like a know it all

The red and blue one started to talk. "My name is Optimus Prime, we are atomic sentimental beings also know as Autobots."

Jack walked up to Optimus. "Why are you here?" looked like he was the curious one out of the four.

"Our planet is unable to support life."

It looked like it was my turn to ask the question "What happened to your planet?"

Optimus looked at me "Centuries of civil war mostly for control of energon the life blood of Autobots and Deceptacons a like" I was still confused who the cons were, maybe the bad guys.

A alarm went off, a very loud one.

"What is that?"

Bumble bee explained but I couldn't understand him, Raf started to translate.

" It's the proximity sensor, someone is up top"

Ratchet walked over to the computer to see who or what it was.

" It's Agent Fowler" he said.

I walked up to Optimus " I thought we were the only ones who knew about you guys". Optimus turned and faced me.

" Agent Fowler is our designated lesion and only comes when something has gone wrong, It be best if you don't meet him at this time" the elevator came down and opened, and out came Agent Fowler

" PRIME" he didn't sound happy at all

" Can you explain why their's 32 fender benders, 3 hour traffic jam and on particle note a speeding motorcycle and a yellow and black stripped musle car"

" Agent Fowler I will handle prime"

" Well handle under the radar or I will" He walked back to the elevator and left.

Bulkhead walked next to Optimus " Well hes got big barrings for a human"

" Bulkhead Agent Fowler is only concerned for his world"

Jack, Miko, Raf and I walked out of our hiding spot and started to walk up the stairs to the railing so we can be the same height as Arcee. I started to think about the agent that he might be able to help me get away from my kidnappers.

" So that cranky pants can help you guys with anything I don't know mission related?" Ratchet looked at me like I was asking a stupid question.

" yes why so you ask?"

I looked over at Miko and noodded at her, Miko eyes went big because she knew what I as talking about.

" Bulkhead I needyour help, Hold out your hand" I walked into his hand and looked at him.

" Throw me to the ceiling" His eyes went big

" Wait what!"

" Get your ears checked throw me to the ceiling" Bulkhead wouldn't do it but Miko convinced him to do it.

" Alright we'll be here to catch you when you come down" Bulkhead said nervously

" no need" I said

Bulkhead threw me to the roof and grabbed a rock to hang on to.

" I coming down" hoping they heard me.

I unfold my wings they caught me before my body hit the ground. I wanted to prank the Autobots and the others, I went around back behind the elevator and slowly went to Optimus, I sat on his shoulder while everyone was still looking up.

" um... guys I'm right here"

I scared all of them even Optimus when he realized that I was on his shoulder, he moved and I fell off he was about to catch me but my wings beat him to it. They kept looking at me as I flew back where Miko was.

" That's not all theirs more then the wings"

" More!?" yelled Arcee

I nodded " Let me show you, Jack, Miko, Raf you might want to move"

They backed up far enough my wings unfolded. They started to harden to a metal that can never break. Ratchet walked over to me.

" May I have a look" Ratchet said holding out his hand.

" Sure, but I could never figure out what type of metal they are"

Ratchet put me on a table and scanned me, He took the data to a computer and looked over the information and looked it over for a few minutes. Ratchet saw something that no girl should have.

" By the Allspark!" he looked back at me then the coumputer again. I was confused along with everyone else. Miko ran to where Ratchet was.

" Whats wrong with Racheal doc?" said Miko

" Rachael has energon flowing through her blood stream" said Ratchet

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