After Math

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( I know this has nothing to do with transformers but I like the song)

                                                                                                    Rachael P.O.V

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I nodded and looked at my arms, it felt weird.

My paint job was blue, with gold detail. I had silver on my face just like the others. I looked at my arm and noticed a faint blue glowing on my body.

"Does anyone else notice the glow?"

They all shook their heads, but Optimus was silent.

"I can see it." They looked at him shocked.

"So what connects Prime and Me, and how can he see the glow when you guys can't."

Ratchet and Optimus looked at each other.

"Arcee, BumbleBee, Bulkhead take the children home." Optimus ordered

"But what about Rachael!" Miko yelled

"Miko do you think I can go him like this, just say I'm sleeping over at a friends house."

She nodded and got into Bulkhead and drove off along with Bee and Arcee.

"What do you guys know?"

Optimus nodded to Ratchet, probably about to explain.

"When we fought Megatrons  Zombie army on Earth he told us about his plan and about a descendant of Primus is on Earth. We didn't believe him at first but now I do."

"That makes sense." I said. They looked at me in shock.

"How does it make sense?"

"Because only Optimus can see the glow and I can transform from human to cybertroain,"

It was silent for a few minutes.

"So I'm his daughter that's probably where I get all these powers with each birthday."

"We will start tomorrow right now we all need rest, Rachael you will stay with me tonight." Optimus said


"So what's going to happen with the con's since Megatron it dead."

"Megatron may be gone but they still have Starscream."

"Ok. Who's that."

"Tomorrow, I will explain tomorrow."

"At least you guy's live another day."

Optimus fists clenched, I walked in front of him.

"What's wrong did something happen on the bridge?"

"I..... I almost broke our promise." He said looking down.

"You didn't break the promise, your still here and he isn't."

He looked up, a small smile appeared on his face.

"Your right Rachael thank you."

I hugged him.

"Your wel..." I couldn't speak because he kissed me, I was surprised at first but I kissed him back. We broke apart. Optimus looked at my face with concern.

"Rachael are you ok your cheeks are red?
Oh scrap, I was blushing.

"No, I'm just blushing."

"You look cute when you do it." That made my face get darker.

I looked at the ground but I felt his hand go to my chin and lift it up.

"I want to see your beautiful eye's."

He kissed me again. I felt like we were being watched, I pulled away and looked around but no one or thing was here.

"Sorry I just felt like we were being watched."

"No one is here."

"If you say so."

Optimus went and sat on his bed while I transformed back into a human, his hand came down and I climbed on.

"Good night Rachael. I love you."

"I love you to."

I fell asleep listening to his.



Yeah 2 chapters in one night. sweetness.

K. I know the video above has NOTHING to do with Transformers but looks cool and I love the song.




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