First Date

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Image Credit: Luc Perrot 

The morning started like any other, waking up with Optimus arms around me and my mom banging on my door. I sighed and went back to sleep. Wait. I looked at my alarm and saw that i slept through it and school was gonna start in about 30 min

"Shit! Mom! I'm up!" I yelled, making the banging stop.

Though this caused Optimus to wake up and pull me back to him, startling him awake. He looked around for danger.

"Hey, Hey. Optimus It's okay. Nothing is going on. We just slept in." I put my hands on his check, giving him something to ground himself to.

"We..we slept in?" Optimus was taking deep breaths.

"We did, Optimus....Are you alright?" I caress my thumb against his cheek as he leans into the touch.

"Get ready, I have to get you to school." Optimus moved off of me sitting at the edge of my bed facing the window.

I looked down and started getting dressed, thinking about being a Prime in such a long war. Optimus would probably be struggling with PTSD, but I'm no doctor. I can't confirm anything. I got dressed, keeping an eye on him. As soon as I was ready, I moved in front of him, kneeling as I put my hands on his knees.

"Optimus, talk to me." I coaxed, rubbing his leg.

"I need a minute Rachael." was all he said.


All I did was get up and sit next to him on my bed, just holding his hand. I stayed silent, letting him process everything. Minutes passed and he just leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Optimus, do I need to call Ratchet to bridge you back to base?" I asked

"That might be for the best. Will you get to school okay?" Optimus asked.

"I will carefully fly to the school." I smiled at him.

Optimus nods, I kiss his head and call Ratchet. Ratchet gives the closest coordinates to the bridge and I tell Optimus.

"I'll go with you to the bridge, make sure you get through okay. Then I want you to get plenty of rest. Understand?"

Optimus nods, his holo disappearing and I run outside. Optimus opens a door for me, and we drive to the cement water way thingy. Ratchet speaks to Optimus over the comms and opens the bridge. Optimus gets his holo out one more time and kisses me deeply. I kiss back with as much passion as he gave me.

"I'll see you after school. Okay?"


I kiss his forehead, hopping out of the semi truck. Watched as he drove through, getting on the phone with Ratchet.

"Keep an eye one on Optimus please? I think he may have what humans call PTSD. I don't know if Cybertron has a different name for it. Though that is what humans call it."

"I'll take care of him Rachael, Don't worry. You focus on school today." Ratchet reassures me.

"Thank you Ratchet, see you later." I sighed, and hung up.

I unfold my wings and take off into the sky, holding my bag in my hands. I landed a block away, and just walked the rest of the way. Getting to school late but oh well.

Walking into the classroom late was weird. Everyone's eyes were on me. It was horrible and awkward enough as is. I just got to my seat and the teacher just kept teaching, Miko being behind me in class, and started talking.

"So? What were you and boss bot doing that made you late?" Miko whispered with a smirk, her eyebrows bouncing up and down.

I turned around and just straight up flicked her on the forehead.

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