They Find out about Rachael

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Starscream P.O.V
"StarScream you fool!" Megatron hit me I skid across the floor.
"Lord Megatron." I tried to talk to him but he put his foot on me
"You delayed my plan!"
"But Lord Megatron my intension were pure I only wanted to get rid of Optimus." I tried to reason with him.
"Only I can be rid of Optimus do you understand"
" yes Master,but you must see this footage."
It was a girl that grew the size of the Autobot scout BumbleBee.
"What is this!" He asked with curiosity.
"Is just some random girl thats with the Autobots."
"Keep global servalince up I want this girl here as soon as possible." He ordered Soundwave.
I least I didn't get a beating I thought to myself.

A/N: I know its short but still I gave you guys a way long chapter. Hey did you guys like the drawing in the last one. Remember to vote or comment
P.S i'll be updating more because school is out yeah!!!!!! :D

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