Weird Dreams and Feelings

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Author note: so Warship and talent show are going to be in 2 parts, but not this one, next chapter so enjoy this one.

Optimus P.O.V

I really hated seeing Rachael getting hurt and seeing so lost. I wanted to protect from everything but mostly from the bully that's been doing this to her. I saw her fly away, I went to follow her but Ratchet stopped me.

" Let her clear her mind Optimus." I nodded.

Megatron P.O.V

After I had Starscream blow the mine, since the Autobots came to Cliffjumper. I went to the lab to look at the dark energon I had collected during my absence on Earth, after a hour or so Starscream came in.

" Lord Megatron the job is done" He reported.

" Good, but Optimus is not so easily terminated we have countless battles to prove it." I turned back to the dark energon.

" Master maybe you need a break, making to much contact with.."

" Or maybe I'm not making any contact at all" I said as I grab a shard, lifting it up.

" NO, Megatron not your spark chamber you have no idea what it will do!"

" Yes I can feel it, its as if I can here his thoughts he's telling me that theirs a child of Primus here on Earth " I told my second in command.

" A child of a god can have great power or not has this ever happened before?"

" No it has not Starscream and I must have that power in my hands"

Rachael P.O.V

After the flight I had I felt better. I guess it was time to go because everyone was heading home. We got to Miko house, I forgot about the scratches and brusies because my mom and dad came running at me when they saw the aftermath of what happened at school.

" Rachael are you ok?"

" I'm fine I just fell out of a tree" I was telling the truth, part of it anyway.

" Alright" my mom said, her phone rang and she looked at it.

" You girls can were tank tops and short because of the heat tomorrow."

We looked at each other and high-fived and we ran up to our rooms.

" Hey Miko come here!"

" What ya need?"

" I'm going to do the talent show at the school I just need a song to pick,but I can't decide what song to do."

" What songs are you wanting to do?"

" Ah lets see Love Story, Can't be Tamed, or Firework"

" Really those songs"

" Hey if you listen to the lyrics they are awesome songs" She was still giving me the look.

" Don't judge me"

" Dude, your room is hot, open a window or something"

" Alright I will calm down"

I got up to open the darn window, I saw a muscle car that was all to familiar.

"Scrap, Miko someone is here and I want to go give him a piece of my mind"

"Vince is here why?"

"I have no clue so let's found out, gang on let me text Optimus."

I ran over and grabbed my phone and started to text him.

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