Warship and talent show

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Authors note: thank you guys for the 200 reads! This is making me happy because people are not believing in me and telling me it's just a story well it's not.

I woke up the next morning, sitting there trying to remember if last night was the best dream ever or real, which would be awesome.

" Only one way to find out" I told myself.

I walk to my window and saw a red and blue truck and a green bulky green jeep,

for some weird reason I waved.

I got dressed with the the new clothes Miko mom bought me last night, she got me red skinny jeans and other jeans and a blue shirt. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a apple.

" Miko hurry up we got to go"

" I'm coming hold your horses"She came down the stairs and got something some waffles.

" Hey why did you past out back at the base"

" Oh well I need to eat more than other people because I'm built different because of my wings so I need more calories" I told her

" Oh alright."

Miko's mom came up the stairs with her car keys.

" Alright girls are you ready to go?" She asked. I realized that their were other cars in the drive way.

" Um... mom go back to bed we're getting a ride from someone else so please go back to bed."

"Ok have a good day at school."

We ran outside and saw the jeep and truck, we saw our guardians.

"Hey Optimus how did you sleep?"

" I slept well thank you."


" I slept better than most nights."

Optimus pulled up into the school parking lot. I saw the student body handing out flyers for something so I walked up to find out. I noticed that the little symbol lights up when he talks.

"Hey whats all this for?"

" It's for the talent show that's coming up in 2 months, hey I know you your that girl that stand up to Vince and told him a thing or 2."

" Yep that's me, can I have a flyer?'

" Sure you should try out I bet your amazing"

" Alright I'll do it" I wanted to show people what I can do.

I walked into the school putting my stuff in my locker and got my English folder then everything just goes quiet. Vince and his gang was at the other end of the hall. I didn't care so I went that way to class and of course Vince blocked my way.

" Please get out of my way Vince" I asked in a threating voice.

" Where were you last night we had something to finish!"

" Somewhere better than fighting you" I told him and at least it was true and I left to go to class.

                                                                             Vince P.O.V

After that punk Rachael left to go to class one of my friends came up to me.

" Are you going to let her get away with this?"

" No, she will pay for messing with me!" the bell rang for class.

                                                                    Racheal P.O.V

The last bell rang and I was waiting for Optimus to pick me up and start heading for the base. Some of Vince friends were surrounding me, I knew this wasn't going to end well.

" What do you want?" I snapped at them, some of boys backed up.

" Boss wants to settle things with you GRAB HER!"

They grabbed my arms throwing me to the ground. I got up they were circling me one punch and i was done. I'll just doge until I find a way out of this mess, but they were holding my arms. Vince walked up.

"What do you want from me!"

" Nothing I just want revenge for you embarrassing me in front of the whole school!" Vince yelled

He punched my face and kneed my stomach, Taking the air out of my lungs.

" THAT IS IT!" I screamed.

I jumped and kicked Vince back, the boys that were holding me I just threw them off and ran from the tree and climbed to get away. I saw a flash of red and blue and it was Optimus. I grabbed my phone and saw his face it looked cute, wait what was I thinking. the phone was ringing.

" Hello Rachael" he answered

"Oh my gosh thank the allspark, Optimus I need your help see those boys by the tree on your left." 

" um.. yeah they're after me because they want revenge"

I heard something behind me, but ti was too late Vince grabbed me and threw me out of the tree. I heard a car door slam and the boys scatterd, someone picked me up and was taking me to Optimus. The boy had black hair with blue tips and bright neon eyes, I got in the truck so did the boy that's when I figured it out.

" Optimus" I whispered

"Shh Rachael let me see"

" Oh Rachael what did they do to you?"

" Well they threw me out of a tree and beat me up,but its cuts and bruises they'll heal in time."

" I'm your guardian if only their was something I can do"

" Hey you did do something you helped me get out of there when I couldn't, thank you." I said giving him a hug.

" Are you sure Rachael those boys can be so cruel to hurt a beautiful girl like you"

" You think I'm beautiful?"

" Yes is that wrong?"

" No it's just that no one has told me that before" I started to cry. Optimus pulled me closer to him and we stayed like that the whole ride to base.

I got out and Optimus transformed into his robotic form.. I looked up at him, he nodded.

I went to see the others playing video games, so I went to the other couch and I sat down but upside down. Bumble bee noticed and went Beep Beep Boop, Raf translated and asked.

" What happened to you Rachael?"

" Vince and his gang happened they beat me up and threw me out of a tree then Optimus came and got me out there!"

" Really that sucks but thats not Vince"

" I got the scraches and brusies to prove it"

" I'm going for a flight" I ran to the railing and jumped unflod my wings and flew, I started thinking of ways to get back at Vince and thinking how sweet Optimus is.

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