Chapter 26

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We gathered at the front of the school, all the students' conversations echoing as the bell rings in the background. Though all I could hear was my friends, my alien buddies and finally my boyfriend. A sigh escaped as I saw him.

"Hey guys!" I called out waving.

Three men and a woman turn their heads toward us, one blonde, a yellow jacket with black stripes, denim jeans and black high tops. Obviously Bumblebee. A jacked up guy in an olive muscle tank top, also basic jeans and tennis shoes. Who was Bulkhead? Optimus being the last of the boys, honestly I can look at him all day. His blue hair with the white streak, his jawline, his muscles, his soft bl-

"Ack!" A sharp elbow came into contact with my stomach.

"Miko!" Bulk called out, folding his arms like a disappointed older sibling.

Optimus' eyes widened in concern and walked over kneeling down next to me. Miko got down, whispering in my ear.

"You were basically drooling Rachael. I did you a favor." She whispered, patting my shoulder.

I gave her a thumbs up because she did, there was a small bit of drool off the corner of my mouth. Optimus had my body lean on him as he held my arms and his hands.

"Miko, I would appreciate it if you didn't elbow Rachael." Optimus talked to her.

"Or at least warn me next time....nice jab though." I shrugged.

A faint smile came across the gang, I sighed. Everyone got their partners. I turned towards Optimus.

"Hey Optimus, once we get enough distance...I need to fly, my wings...they're getting stiff."

"Alright once it's safe, you can go fly." Optimus' thumb gently grazed over my cheek.

Oh the glares I could feel from across the parking lot. Optimus guides me to the passenger side of his vehicle mode, opening the door for me like a gentleman. Shutting the door he climbs onto his side, and the Autobots leave Jasper high school.

"So....anything from Decpticons or Mech?" I question.

"No, both have been silent. Which isn't a comfort." His dashboard screen would light up with each word.

I leaned back into the seat, taking my hair out the pony tail. Checking the rear view mirrors, looking at the distance between us and the town.


"Let the town disappear, then you can go." He tries to calm the anticipation.

I rolled down the window, letting the wind blow. Nothing compared to flight but something to stall until I could take off. I look back into the mirror and watch the other bots behind us. This feeling probably came too soon, but I could feel a small family growing, My Family.

"Alright Rachael, Jasper is out of sight. You can go fly."

"Thanks for the concern, I'll land on the base's roof."

"I shall meet you there." Optimus promises.

Carefully climbing out of Optimus, and even more careful climbing to the roof of his vehicle mode. I stand up, raising my arms to the sky to feel the wind on my skin. Slowly my wings unfold and they catch me into the wind. Flying off and backwards, out of instinct my wings are flapping and getting me higher into the air before I body slam Jack off of Acree.

I kept climbing in the sky until the autobots, who are usually giant for me. Look like ants following a line to get food. I went to the nearest cloud, flying through it. The fresh moisture and temperature change, my clothes getting damp. I got out of the cloud, seeing the base in the distance. A tiny moving dot who I'm going to assume is Optimus, sits on the edge. I move till I'm right above the base.

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