Sickness and Health part 2

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 Bulk has been my sub guardian until Optimus was given the all clear by Ratchet to do regular tasks again. After school I would take small walks with him, help regain Primes strength back.

"Alright Optimus, it seems your system has fully expended the virus."

"All thanks to you Ratchet." Optimus thanks again.

"Please, it was your partner that went through unknown territory to get the cure."

"And for that I will always be grateful." Optimus looked at me with soft eyes

I looked away blushing, Bumblebee poking my shoulder.

"Yeah, good thing Megatron was still alive."

Bee and I looked at her wide eyes.

"Yeah, I said it."

"Please don't say it again."

My brain slowly went blank, I could hear a voice but it sounded really distant.

Only to see Optimus in the hallway, holding my shoulders confused.

"Optimus? Weren't you with Ratchet? Why are you here? Why am I here?" I asked confused.

"You walked away, you don't remember."

"No....I'm fine though really I am."

Optimus raises an eyebrow, squeezing my shoulders. I could tell he wasn't going to believe me. Though he also knows that I am just as confused.

"I promise I'm okay."

I take his hand, holding it to my cheek.

"If anything like this continues. Please, go to Ratchet. You don't even have to tell me."

"I will, I promise."

Optimus kisses my forehead, bringing a sensation of peace after seeing those disturbing images.

"Hey Rachael!" Miko's voice called.

"Bulk and Bee want to play basketball! Want to join!?" She waves her arms as I look down.

"Sure why not. I'll be there in a second."

Miko smiles, running back off to the main room.

"Rachael." Optimus grows concerned.

"Anything else and I will go straight to Ratchet. I'll come help you with Prime work after one game okay." I pull him down and kiss his cheek.

"Alright. I'll see you soon." Optimus kissed my hand and left for his room.

I went to the main bunker area, seeing a single hoop, a ball of meshed up metal. Bee and Hulk ready to play.

"Alright, how are teams formed?"

"Everyone is one their own, Raf keeps track of Bee's points, I'll keep track of Bulks. And jack will keep track of your points."

"Alright, let's play. 1 hour game, most points win." I smirk.

Miko, being the referee, starts the timer. Most of the game is us interfering. Bulk being the easiest to take from, and the best defense (obviously) Bee was quick on his feet.

Finally I get my hands on the ball, about to go and dunk it.

"Go Rachael!" I hear Jack's voice then everything fades.

I could see what I guess was the space bridge, I could watch as it was exploding around Megatron. The visions changed to his point of view, a sliver hand reached out as the dead cybertronian were about to breach. Then a massive explosion that took them all out.

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