Picking a Song and Scared

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I came home and ate 2 steaks, a 2 liter Mountain Dew then I started feeling better but not fully.

I was still freaking out since Optimus wasn't back yet and Miko banned me from the base until I felt better. I went to my bed and started to and listened to some music a song came one that I haven't heard in a long time. It's a song called Everytime We Touch.

I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me.

I still feel your touch in my dream, forgive me my weakness but I don't know wh.

Without you its hard to survive!

I started singing along with it not realizing who was listening.

Cause every time we touch i get this feeling and everytime we kiss I swear I can fly.

Can't you hear my heart beat fast I want this to last need you be my side.

I got off my bed and started dancing and jumping having a blast.

Cause everytime we touch I feel the static and everytime we kiss I reach for the sky.

Can't you hear my heart beat slow I can't let you go want you in my life.

Your arms are my castle you heart is my sky.

But I didn't say heart I said spark thinking of Optimus Prime.

They wipe away tears that I cry, the good and the bad times we've been through them more.

You make me rise when I fall.

Cause everytime we touch I get this feeling and everytime we kiss I swear I can fly.

Can't you hear my heart beat fast I want this to last need you by my side.

Cause everytime we touch I feel the static and everytime we kiss I reach for the sky

Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last need you by my side.

Once the song ended I thought of Optimus and I felt heat rush up to my cheeks.

" I like a giant robot" and my cheeks heat up again.

I heard a honk and looked at the clock 11:30 P.M

" Who could be up this late?"

I walk to my window which was open to let the cool air in and I saw the red and blue true that I love. I ran to my bed grabbed my phone.

I got to Optimus and I put My Prime.

"Optimus stay there and get your holoform out please"

I ran out the back door and flew to the roof, looking around the neighbor hood and saw no one so i flew down and ran to Optimus. I saw his holoform and gave him a hug.

"I thought I got this in the mornings?"

"No and you will you just scared me."

I felt his arms warp around me and held me tight.

"Hey Optimus can you promise me something?"

"yes Rachael well depends what it is?"

I giggled " Can you promise to stay with me and come back to me from your missions."

"I will Rachael as long as you do the same."

" I will Optimus I'll never leave your side."

I put my head on his chest and I felt him tense up.

" Optimus why didn't you let Ratchet take care of you!" I punch him but soft since he's still hurt.


" Optimus." I say slowly sounding like I was going to win.

" Fine." and I won.

I grab his hand and took him in the house.

" Where is your room Rachael."

"Upstairs second room on the right."

"Thank you Rachael."

"Your welcome Optimus."

I hear him go upstairs and into my room, I followed him with the first aid get in hand.

" Hey Optimus I need you to take off your jacket so I can clean the cut."

" Alright Rachael." I heard a zipper for his jacket.
I was in the bathroom getting a wet rag to clean off the energon that's on his chest.
I walk into my room and see his handsome holoform with bright blue caring eyes and sat down next to him.
"Optimus this is going to sting a little."
I put the washcloth on his chest, it probably did sting cause he tried to pull my hand away but I wouldn't let him.
"Optimus let me help you."
"Alright Rachael but how do you know all this?"
"I was taught how to fight and learn medic stuff while they experimented on me."
"Who do this to you?"
"M.E.C.H would Optimus they did it all will be explained tomorrow."
"I have a feeling we are going to run into them one day."
"Yeah me to."
I got done with his bandages and started cleaning up. I felt arms wrap around me and my cheeks stared heating up, so I turned around and hugged him back before he could see.
"Thank you Rachael."
"No problem."
I looked up at him those sweet eyes or optics, he started leaning in. Optimus was going to kiss me, so I did the only thing I could do lean in. We were so close our noses were tpuching. I heard my patents walk through the front door and he pulled away.
"Good night Rachael." He said as he got his shirt and jacket.
"Wait Optimus." I walk up to him and give him a kiss on the cheek.
"Good Night Optimus."
"Bye the way you have a beautiful voice.
I went to bed with a smile on my face.

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