Where the past catches up

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             Days have passed, Wheeljack decided not to stay on Earth. It hurt both Bulkhead and Miko. Though with a promise of returning from Wheeljack, they both felt better. At this point it has been very quiet, only a couple of con encounters. Though no one from the Decepticon higher ups. This was very needed time after having back-to-back encounters of the scraplets and fake Wheeljack.
             Ratchet and his little nurse assistants got everyone up and going, though when in my human form I would have a scar from the one scraplet that got to me. When Optimus heard of me shielding the bots a few times Optimus agreed that some stamina training to keep my shields up for longer. The training would start very small, only creating shields on Miko, Jack, and Raf. Did Miko make use of this situation? Yes, she would grab anything she could and would just yeet it at the other two.

                           "Miko for the love of gods please stop everything!" I groaned, having kept this shield on Jack.
                           "Hey I'm having fun! you get all these super powers!" Miko called back

              I rolled my eyes and took it down, giving a groan again. My arms sore, mental tired from all the focus. I looked over to Optimus, were a faint proud smile showed on his face.

                           "It will get easier as you practice Rachael, I promise." He reached out for me, placing me down on my favorite spot on his shoulders.

                  I got myself comfortable as the other 3 walked to the higher catwalks. Then the alarms started going off with Fowler screeching and calling Optimus over. i sighed because their was only one reason why he calls. I honestly ignore the talk, though getting bits of pieces. He got attacked by cons, transporting a weapon, blasted of the sky, Making a mental note to never fly next to him. Optimus offered the Autobots to help so incase of another attack. Fowler giving the coordinates of his crash sight, he orders the team to get ready. This is where I got up much to my dismay, stretching my arms.

                           "Hey be careful, that weapon sounds really unstable." I look at him.

                   His optics look at me with the soft expression, and the soft glowing blue. Gently picking me up and placing me next to the ground bridge controls.

                           "Everything will be alright, a plan has already been made and we should be back by the end of the day." Optimus very lightly rubs the top of my head.

                    Optimus, with his trailer and the team go through the ground bridge. Getting Fowler, and the road trip began. Now i got bored really quickly, road trips were hard alone. Though only watching one happen on a screen. It's just so much worse. My brain started thinking over this whole situation. Why would the cons just blast Fowler out of the sky and leave? why not try and kidnap him again? Even then the cons would've just killed him if they couldn't get anything out of him.

                           "Ratchet?" I spin in the chair.

                           "Yes?" He answers, but does not turn to look at me.

                           "I would like to tell you my thoughts of this whole situation. It....It doesn't sit right with me." I sighed.

                           "How so?" This got his attention.

                           "Why didn't the cons take Fowler while they had the chance...again. Even then if they didn't know it was Fowler. Why just shoot one random jet and just disappear?"

                   Ratchet hums, looking at the screen. Coms must've been opened because Optimus voice came over. Making me jump, a quick startle with a hand on top of my heart.

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