This is why Optimus has rules.

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I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times, waking up next to Optimus Is the greatest thing in the world. I woke up before him the sunlight behind him making his hair glow in an almost halo look.

I brushed my thumb against his cheek, a smile appearing across my face, brushing loose strands to the side.

"Gods you're so pretty." I whisper to myself.

"Thank you, my Angel." One of Optimus' eyes opened.

"How long?"

"I felt your thumb caressing my cheek."

I giggled, kissing his forehead. In return Optimus locked me to him with both of his arms wrapped around me and a leg over mine.

Gods this is heaven.

I wiggled my arms to wrap around him to get in a comfy position. Though my alarm started going off.





Optimus sighed, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at my alarm. Making that and other knicknacks fly off.

"My bad."

"Eh. Who needs that stuff when all I need is you." I yawned.

Optimus chuckled, running his fingers through my hair. The small knots coming undone.

"I have to go to base, and you need to go to school."

I groaned, knowing he's right. His arms move as I sit up. I stretch my arms, hearing the bones crack.

"What was that?" Optimus asked.


"The...cracking noise."

Y"Oh uh, bones just do that. I don't know." I shrug.

"Are you okay? Do I need to take you to Ratchet?" He takes my hands.

"No, this is something human bodies do." I laughed lightly.

"If you say so." Optimus sighed.

I get out of bed, stretching and cracking my legs. Opening my closet I pulled out a simple romper with a maxi long skirt. Some knee high gladiator sandals to go with. Looking back at Optimus I looked at him.



I spun my finger around to motion him to turn around.

"As you wish My Lady." Optimus smirked, bowing slightly as he turned around.

That left me stunned, jaw dropped, heart beating hard and face on fire.

"!" I hid my face in the clothes I'm holding.

I could hear Optimus chuckle.

"Who knew that a Prime that doesn't party, can flirt really, really good."

Quickly getting dressed for yet another fucking school day.

"Kay, Prime. You're good." I yawned, rubbing the tired out of my eyes.

Optimus came over, wrapping his arms around my waist. My face rest against his chest.

"You're so warm." I hug him

"Are you cold? In Jasper? Here take my jacket." Optimus takes off his holos jacket. Holding it to me.

Cue screaming on the inside, while also struggling to keep my cool on the inside.

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