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A/N: if anyone is confused Megatron saw the video before he left alright that's all and enjoy

Optimus P.O.V
Me and Ratchet kept walking until he asked me something.
"Optimus where are we going"
"To the biggest Cybertronian battle in this corner of the galaxy has ever seen."
"On Earth why here?
"Do you recall late in the war when both sides been putting energon depotis off world."
"Of course that's energon deposits exist on plants such as this one."
"And that's why battles bewechbon plants such as this one."
"This is totally off subject but what do you think of Rachael."
We arrived at the graveyard and so did Megatron.
"Rtchet can we continue this conversation later?"
"Sure Optimus."
"Why Optimus you never disappoint and I see you brought your trusty watch dog"
"I know why your here Megatron."
"Highly unlikely Optimus you and I have been at this a long time."
He pulled something from behind,Dark energon.
"You destruction is at hand."
He threw the piece into the ground, it glowed and sinker into the ground the dead started rising.
"Megatron has disagrated the fallen place of our ancestors and his own. Ratchet said.
"Not even the dead are free from his war mongeron."
I said as I put my battle mask on.
"Rise my army rise!" Megatron kept yelling.
I rolled my optics (eyes) and thinking shut up we get it. I started shooting at the terricons (zombies)
I saw Ratchet backing up.
"Ratchet bridge yourself back to base." I ordered
"No Optimus i shall stand along side you and besides you may need a medic when this is over."
He got his swords out and charged the terricons.
"I recamend dicetion the smaller the pieces he better."
(Sorry can't spell)
"Sound advice old friend."
I changed my guns into swords and charged the terricons. I slowly felt my strength going away.
Rachael P.O.V
Once we got back to base we hooked up Agent Fowler up to some machine and waited for Optimus and Ratchet to get back from the mission. I got more worried each minute that passed by.
"Rachael you have to stop." Arcee said
I gave her a confused look.
"Your pacing in the air." I looked around and saw that I was.
"Sorry Arcce I'm just worried and impatient that's all."
"Rachael you need to clam down prime and Ratchet will be back soon."
She told me trying to comfort me to.
"Its not that... Well its that and how am I going to explain something to them if I don't even know what's happening to me."
"Ratchet will know what's going on with ya."
Bumble bee said
"Bee were you eavesdropping on our conversation."
"Um.....Maybe." I laughed then a sharp pain came to my head and it got worse and worse.
The other covered their ears and auto receptors.
"Rachael what's wrong?" Arcee asked me when I was done screaming.
"M..my head it hurts and I saw images."
"What did you see?" Miko asked.
"Optimus and Ratchet their in danger."
"How do you know?" I didn't know who asked cause my vision was getting blury.
"I don't know but it is a connection, Miko I need to go."
"What no you need to stay here!" Arcee said knowing that Optimus would want to see her.
"Miko explain please."
"Right, her body is built a different way then a human one she needs to get more calories in her body."
"How much?" Jack asked.
"I don't know, Rachael?"
"At least 3,000 calories." I fall to my knees.
"Alright let's get you home"
"But Bulkhead" Arcee questioned"
"But nothin Arcee look at her I don't think Optimus would want to see her like this."
Miko get in to Bulkhead and we left the base.
"But Optimus."
"Shh Rachael, Optimis will be fine.
Optimus P.O.V
My strengh was slowly going away, it was also affecting Rachet.
"Too much exposer to dark energon its zapping our strength."
"We can not let megatron prevail or earth is doomed."
I kept on fighting then Megatron spoke.
"Provo Optimus,but soon you will join my army!"

I ignored him and kept fighting then finally I cut the last one down and started climbing the cliff he was on.
"You will never prevail megatron not while energon follows the my viens."
"Funny but Drak energon follows threw my and that girl is diffently something to look at."
He transformed and flew off but before he did he said
"You may wish to save your strength for main event and that the daughter of Primus is on this world."
I started shooting him but soon was out of my range,Ratchet climbed up.
"Arcee bridge us back to base."
"Sure thing Prime."
The ground bridge opened up behind us and we walked through. I went to the med bay and helped Ratchet with his arm.
"What happened to you guys anyway?"
"We encountered an army of the undead."
She blinked a few times.
"You fought zombies and I missed it!"
"Miko this isn't a game when are you going that though your thick skull!"
I looked around not seeing Rachael.
"Where is Rachael?" I asked before they got to deep into argument.
"She went home she wasn't feeling good, she started freaking out when you didn't come back."
Miko said
"Miko we almost got killed when are you going to realize that."
"A Jack we were almost all killed you, me, Raf even them espically Rachael!"
"What!" I got really concerned.
"She went face-to-face with a con to protect us."
"Bulkhead you excersized poor judgement into bringing the children with you." I told him
"I'm sorry Optimus it won't happen again."
"But it wasn't his fault?" Miko said
"Miko please." Bulk asked but she didn't listen.
"And besides recon."
She hold her phone up for me to see it was a complicated math problem.
"Ratchet take a look for now I must see Rachael."
I transformered and left the base.

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