The boyfriend arrives on Earth

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     Today is finally the day to were Wheeljack is going to land, We saw his beacon on the other side of the world, I already knew why.  I watch the kids in excitement talking to see if he'll stay, seeing Bulkhead pace was a nice change to, the energy is bubbling.

     Alarms soon rang off, watching mutiple cons going after Wheeljack ship.

          "Boogies imbound!" Arcee said

     Ratchet works with the on bridge controls, being quite difficult after the scraplets. Bumblebee, Arcee, and Bulkhead all wait at the bridge. 

          "Come on Ratchet! We're missing all the action!"

Finally the bridge comes on.

          "I'll prepare sick bay." Ratchet looks to Bulk.

          "For the cons, no way! this is Jackie we're talking about!" Bulk laughs as they run through.

     Only a few minutes after did they come back with the new bot, obviously a race car type like body. Bulk went straight to introductions with Miko and I look at Optimus.

          "So just from observation? what do you think?" I asked.

          "I can tell he is quite the warrior, and with his arrival came a morale booster."

I smiled with his answer, watching Wheeljack come to Optimus.

         "It's quite the honor." 

         "The honor is all mine solider, tell me what do you have to report from your travels."

     I laugh lightly to myself, straight to business with him.

     "I've been bouncing rock to rock, reaching for signs of friend or foe and now i've found both."

    "We are few, but strong. We have had loses, but also grew. It would relish us to welcome you to our fold."

    "Thank you."

     "Now lets get this party started!" Bulkhead yells, as he gives a strong slap on the back to Wheeljack.

Boys, being boys.

     "Oh joy." Ratchet mumbles.

I laugh and watch as, every went into smiles, laughter and just joy in general.  Bulk, and Jackie finding this giant metal ball and tossing back in forth, to get the other player off balance.

     Mikos screeching guitar in the background, I walk over to her.

          "Miko dear, i love ya but for primus sake my eardrums hurt."

          "This is music!"

          "What your doing is a bunch of notes that scream like a dying cat, May I?" I hold my hand out, wanting to play a song.

     I start strumming the notes Queen coming into my head as i start playing Another One Bites the Dust. i bob my head with the beat as the other instruments play in the background in my imagination. I notice Raf tapping his feet.

     "Come on Raf dance a little let lose!" I smiled.


Raf gets up and somehow, does the robot in time with my playing. I watch Bumblebee copy Raf behind him, My smile getting bigger. 

     "Hey, Where's Optimus?" Jack asked.

     "He told me he was going for a drive and would be back." I said.

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