Chapter 17

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"Rachael are you okay?" Optimus asked.

I was holding back tears, also thinking that Arcee lied to Jack.

"No, Optimus I'm not she lied to him over a stupid sparring match."

I didn't know wither or not I was angry or sad, but what I did want to do was go back and tell what really happened. Optimus holoform appeared he pulled me into a hug and started rubbing my back.

"It's okay, Arcee was just mad at you she will stop."

"Does she want me gone for some reason?"

"I don't know but one thing for sure is that your not leaving."

Optimus held me close and I could here his heart........Sparkbeat. It was relaxing, I stopped crying, he kissed my head and held me.

"We need to go back, She lied and I want to clear things up." I said.

He gave me a kiss then he disappeared and started driving. I leaned back into the seat, the seat belt wrapping around me in a protective manner.

Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We got back and of course Jack was glaring at me.

" Jack you have been told wrong." Optimus said.

"No Arcee would never lie to me, Rachael fired at her!"

"Then why was she not bleeding, uh thought of that or able to take you for a drive." I say interrupting

I fold my arms.

"Jack they were training and Arcee lost control and fired at her."

He went and sat down on the couch with a sad look on her face.

"Look Jack Don't be too mad at her, somethings came up and she didn't like the idea of her team being at risk, So be easy with her."

Jack looked up from his hands and sighed.

"Your right, Thanks."

"For what?"

"Telling the truth."

I nodded at him, then flew to Prime's shoulder. We headed to his room.

" Rachael everything will be okay I promise."

"I know."

I transformed into my cybertriaon form and went to Optimus who was sitting at his desk. I hugged him from behind and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"It's going to be a matter of time before the Con's find me."

"They will not take you from me."

"You'll always be there to protect me."

I gave him a kiss hopping it would make him feel better, he kissed back deeply and pulled me into his lap. I pulled away.

"I think Arcee is mad because I'm getting all of the attention."

"You only have my attention."

He kissed me again, I pulled away after a few seconds.

"So when can I go on a mission?"


"What but you seen me fight!"

"Yes but I want to keep you hidden as long as I can."

"They only know about the human me they haven't seen the Cybertroaian me."

"Yes but your still in danger."

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